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1 Rookie


6 Posts


April 9th, 2024 11:56

OpenManage Enterprise 4.0.1 - failed to start network manager wait online

I'm trying to get OPE 4 installed, so I can migrate for 3.10, but when I try I get the following error on startup. 

I'm using Hyper-V on Server 2019. I've tried with the 4.0 and 4.0.1 VHDX files, and get the same message.

First I get the GNU Grub screen and choose SLES 15-SP4, It says Loading, then I get the following.

[FAILED] failed to start network manager wait online

Am I missing a setting in Hyper-V?



1 Rookie


7 Posts

April 18th, 2024 08:42

Hello Erman O,

thanks for the guide.

But it does not help.

It's not a new Hyper-V host, so I still have an existing external virtual switch - it is used by my other VMs. Sorry for confusing. I thouth I need a special "virtual switch".

I still have the problem described by Adrian.

BR Axel



3.4K Posts

April 19th, 2024 15:59



Try this:

Deploy OpenManage Enterprise on Hyper-V

1:57 time mark


Can you give a screen shot of when you attach virtual switch?

1 Rookie


7 Posts

April 29th, 2024 09:44

Hello together,

I have downloaded the latest version 4.1 of the OpenManage tool, with success.
I tried to create a new VM (as in the linked video by Charles or also as in the description here Dell OpenManage Enterprise auf Hyper-V 2016-Host) but without success... when I boot the VM, there is no boot sequence, no GRUB, nothing. Just a wildly blinking cursor for minutes).
The description/video is outdated, in version 4.x there are now 2 VHDX files:
-> Obviously now also Gen 2 VM.

That's why I imported the VM, which then worked.
When booting, the error came up again ([FAILED] failed to start network manager wait online), but after some waiting time it continued.

Many thanks to all DELL employees for their time and effort!


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