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October 18th, 2023 09:03

How many can assigned iDrac to OME ? openmanage enterprise

How many can assigned iDrac to OME ?  (openmanage enterprise )

also if iDrac has different network can assign

one OME?

example ) different management Network

OME ip address :

iDrac1 :

iDrac2 :

iDrac3 :

should i use L3 vLan Tag?

20 Posts

October 18th, 2023 09:48

Hello admink,

you possibly should ask your questions about OME inside the "Dell-OpenManage-Enterprise" forum.

As per the document "openmanage-enterprise-3-10-x-user-s-guide.pdf" (page 25)
the OME appliance supports up to 8000 devices.

The networks or VLANs for the managed devices are not important. As long your OME appliance can reach those networks and the required TCP/IP ports are open it can manage the DRACs.


4 Operator


1.8K Posts

October 18th, 2023 17:45

Sounds more like a Network 101 question rather than OME related.  I have a single OME instance in our datacenter and it managed multiple customer (tenants) so the iDRAC IPs are spread over dozen different Subnets which means a lot of hops and firewalls between both endpoints. So .... your FW/GW needs propper routing to reach the iDRAC. Same is needed when having a central monitoring or have a need to connect from a jump host to your client by SSH, RDP or HTTPS.

There is nothing on the OME site.

What makes it difficult.... you need connectifity in both directions (and this is something we dont like) because OME just create a JOB on the iDRAC and the iDRAC than tried to connect OME via NFS(later they offer also HTTPS i think) to fetch the FW Update packages. Its not a simple "we push all data to the iDRAC" :(

Same is true when speaking about SNMP TRAPS.


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