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This post is more than 5 years old



August 25th, 2007 11:00

differnce in iscsi/mpio ?

Can anybdy tell me what is difference b/w connecting redhat linux 5 with dell emc cx300 through:

1) iscsi utility packages
2) lputil/hbanyware
3)  multipath/mpio

I am really very confused with please tell me.

when i installed lputil/hbanyware, multipath dameon is missing.And on other machine where no lputil is installed, multipath is working.

Please clarify the difference.


which is the recomend way to connect linux 5 with cx300

4 Operator


9.3K Posts

August 26th, 2007 04:00

The CX300 doesn't do iSCSI, so that package is irrelevant.

With RHEL5 and a CX300 you need a supported HBA (check the EMC support matrix), then verify which driver you need for this HBA (probably kernel native as EMC has validated most modern HBAs with RHEL5 using the kernel native driver).

Then for failover you'll need DM-MPIO as there is no Powerpath support for RHEL5 at this time.

10 Posts

August 26th, 2007 05:00

Thankyou for replying to my query.

Another thing which I wanna know is that I 'd read some of the docs which says that Linux host must have been manually registered on the Array (EMC cx300) and assigned to a Storage group.Is it correct ? I installed Navishphere host agent on windows machines and hosts were registered automatically. Is linux hosts registration is different than Windows? Shall I have to do it manually on EMC storage?

Can you please tell me how Linux host registration is different than Windows as I have done my best in Linux , still host is not registered in EMC Array.And what shall I have to do to get it register on Array.


Thankyou very much.




4 Operator


9.3K Posts

August 27th, 2007 12:00

If your Navisphere agent registered the host automatically, you indeed do not have to register it by hand. You will obviously still need to put it in a storage group with 1 or more luns to be able to see that/those luns.

10 Posts

August 27th, 2007 16:00

Thanks for replying.

I got the solutions today. Sometimes minor problems make situation miserable.Same thing happens with me. The problem was only with localhost and localdomain naming with /etc/hosts  file.I swear if u can  understand this file , means you have solved half of your linux poblems.I have faced this problems many times with this bloddy file. and at last this sweet file solves the problem.


If anybdy has any problem , I suggest them to look first in their hosts files.




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