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March 28th, 2015 13:00

Finding the best way

Hi all: After reading these blogs I could walk the circumference of a cheerio in a half hour. Well here it is

With all of these programs to do what ever we want. Well I chose Acronis so What is the difference between Copying; Cloning.

March 30th, 2015 13:00

Hello, kmann.

So, first I should note that different vendors define things somewhat differently. They're not that far off from one another, but in the extreme ends, it's really easy to get lost in the terminology from one vendor to the next.

Based on that, I felt I should do a little research from the good people of Acronis, and found that they had a pretty extensive knowledge base (kb).

Here's the closest thing I could find in answer to your question:

So, in short, Cloning IS Copying, and a 'clone' is a copy by their definition. They do however distinguish between a clone, and a backup. (as explained by this article)

I hope that answers your question.

Have a great rest of the day!

121 Posts

March 30th, 2015 16:00

Thank you my brother of the PCB

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