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This post is more than 5 years old


April 16th, 2008 22:00

Annoying freezes while surfing the Net?



I've never had a problem with my connection speed in the past (in fact, when I recently did a speed test, my connection came back in the top five percentile in North America), but since getting my XPS720, for some reason, my browser often freezes up when I'm surfing the Net. I have quite a few add-ons enabled (Shockwave, Norton, Adobe, Java, etc.); does anyone know if this is the problem? Also, I use Norton Internet Security instead of Trend; does anyone know if Norton's anti-phishing feature might be the culprit? Basically, I'll be surfing the Net, and then everything freezes, even the refresh button, so I have to right-click and refresh, or shut down Internet Explorer completely. It's driving me nuts!


Thanks in advance,


14.4K Posts

April 16th, 2008 22:00

IMHO Norton is root of a lot of evil...could very well be part of the issue...i dont use the antiphising settings either...just makes every page load reeaaal slooooow...

Might want to try your speedtest with and without norton running

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