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This post is more than 5 years old


January 12th, 2004 05:00

Are Dimension 4600 PC's designed to run 24/7?

I'm planning to keep my Dimension 4600 PC running WINXP (home) on 24/7. Is this good for the PC? Is it designed for this?



129 Posts

January 12th, 2004 11:00

you CAN have it on all the time ONLY and i STRESS ONLY if you have a REALLY GOOD cooling system for the computer, fi you r going to have it on all the time get a WATER COOLING system, they cost a bit but for wat you want 2 do i wouldnt get anything else and also  dont get a LCD or anything like it if you going to keep it on all the time, they heat up REALLY quickly and could blow up. all in all even if you did  have the best cooling system i wouldnt reccomend using it all the time.

email me at if you want anything from me. or help on this topic

28K Posts

January 12th, 2004 13:00

You do not need a water cooling system to keep the computer on all of the time.  There are many more reasonable opinions on this issue, but hardly any are as extreme or out to lunch as that of dan_e6.


720 Posts

January 12th, 2004 16:00

Steve (volcano11) is correct. The 4600 will run cool and quiet and can be left running constantly if desired. No modifications are necessary. Also, the suggestion that LCD monitors run hot and can blow up is absolutely ridiculous. They generate much less heat than a CRT monitor. Mine has been on for 3 hours and it's not even warm.


8 Posts

January 12th, 2004 18:00

I don't know about the 4600, but I have a 4550 that has been on since October of 2002.  It's been shut down for reboots or power outages occasionally, but it's the factory shipped box, no modifications necessary.



25 Posts

January 12th, 2004 18:00

Goot wrote:

I'm planning to keep my Dimension 4600 PC running WINXP (home) on 24/7. Is this good for the PC? Is it designed for this?

I had a 4300 and ran it for two years 24/7 and its still purring along. I got a 4600 a month ago and it goes non-stop just the way it came from the factory.


January 12th, 2004 18:00

Why would you want to run the PC 24/7?  Why add more wear and tear to the system and your power bill when you don't need the computer?


129 Posts

January 12th, 2004 20:00

robnalex wrote  No modifications are necessary. Also, the suggestion that LCD monitors run hot and can blow up is absolutely ridiculous

ha. wat LCD are you running. i have the 17inch ultrasharp and it heats up and goes really hot in a matter of hours. okay so yuou dont NEED a water cooling system to keep it on all the time but the parts such as the processor run out more quicker and in the long run your cmputer will die sooner.

28K Posts

January 12th, 2004 21:00


Show the proof.  This has been discussed over and over again all over the place.  There is no evidence that running a computer all the time shortens the life.  From a practical standpoint it is wise to turn it off when it is not in use for extended periods of time to save energy.  You don't know what you talking about, so give it up.  Your credibility is shot down by your outrageous statements in your intitial post.   People come here looking for reasonable answers to their questions and problems, not outrageous unsupportable claims.


579 Posts

January 12th, 2004 23:00

Thanks for clearing ALL that up!


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