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April 24th, 2008 06:00

Best way to OC the 630i



I'm recently trying to OC my 630 to around 3ghz. I have red about it, and it should be easy doable with stock volt and cooler.

But as i tried, i coudn't do it the old way.. trough the bios. Simply because i can't find anything there that alows me to adjust the FSB...  I can change the volt, the mem, etc.. but not the FSB


So i tried the Nvidia tool.. but that is really anoying. I reached 2.7ghz with no prb, but as soon as i hitted 2.8, it still loaded to windows.. but then the whole screen just froze and you coudn't do anything. The only way to undo it, was to go to save mode and delete the profile you made in the Nvidia tool.


Have any of you have experience with Oc'ing your 630 and what result did you get? And especially, how did you managed to get it?


Kind regards,


244 Posts

May 1st, 2008 14:00

Youve gotta be missing something, you should be able to get much higher than that.


What the max voltage youve used for FSB, chipset, and CPU.

You should probably be around 1.4/1.4/1.5, respectively.

526 Posts

May 1st, 2008 15:00

@Mr. Scary wrote:

i believe both the big water and the nautilus can add other cooling blocks chipset etc without performance degredation.  it states it on both.

Thanks!  I completely missed that other components could be added, I thought the units were CPU only.  This makes the decision much easier, as $245 is the base price for the Exos-2 unit I was looking at.  But then you need to look at the CPU water block and hosing - adding almost another $100.  So the Koolance Exos starts to add up quickly.  I'm going to order the Corsair Nautilus, and I can always return it if I have any initial problems.


Regarding your OC issues, I got to the same point at one time.  And I had to do a CMOS reset.  Then I just started slowly again and things started coming back up.  Perhaps list all of your current settings.  Being that you have a different CPU, I can't help much with that part.

121 Posts

May 1st, 2008 16:00

I'm having trouble with my comp freezing up ( Ruski07's prob :) lol )

I was wondering also, is it maybe the mobo that is limiting the ability to OC higher? That was just a thought that came to mind, because I can't get mine to go higher than 3.33GHz w/out freezing up- I've gotten it to post and even load OS at 3.4 and even 3.5GHz, but that was like for only first couple secs and then froze. 

244 Posts

May 1st, 2008 16:00

also there may be a hole at 1333mhz. try upping it alot.  1400 or something like that

121 Posts

May 1st, 2008 17:00

That's the thing, I don't think that I'm having problems with cooling.

My temperatures only range from like 29-36 on idle to like 46-52 on full load. I don't think that that's bad at all (tell me if I'm wrong lol) 

526 Posts

May 1st, 2008 17:00

You've likely gotten your CPU as high as it will go on air cooling alone, with the Dell mobo.

Message Edited by Rambler358 on 05-01-2008 01:12 PM

121 Posts

May 1st, 2008 17:00

Oh, as for holes and such, like what xps420OC mentioned, this is my observations:

I did a bunch of math, and a lot of huge formulas and equations (jk, lol :) ), and this is what conclusion I have reached:

on a multiplier of 9x, going up by increments of 40 on the FSB, raises the FSB BUS speed by 10, and raises the CPU speed by approx .1GHz

So, when I do my OC'ing, the only values that I use for setting the FSB are:

1066, 1333, 1420, 1460, 1480, 1520, 1560, 1600, etc. (I actually haven't used 1600 ever yet, as I can't get it to be at 1480 and not freeze up for some reason) 

121 Posts

May 1st, 2008 17:00

I had Prime95 run for 15 hours w/out any problems, but that was at different settings (If I remember them correctly, they are...):


C1E- disabled

Speedstep- disabled


Overclock Configuration:

mode- unlinked

fsb- 1333

mem- 800 i think

pci bus slots- 102 for both i think

mem timings:

I don't remember these, but I think they were 5-5-5-15-2T and auto


Overvoltage Configuration:

CPU Core- 1.4v (or maybe 1.45v max)

FSB- 1.4v

mem- Prob at 2.2v (maybe 2.1v)


Main point is that when I run Prime95, or MemTest, I don't get them to REPORT any errors, but instead my computer sometimes freezes up.


****Ding ding ding!!! - Do you guys think that it's MAYBE that my Monitor is freezing up? Though I HIGHLY doubt that, and actually, prob never mind. lol

526 Posts

May 1st, 2008 17:00

Can you run Prime95 and OCCT without any issues?

597 Posts

May 1st, 2008 19:00



max volts i've used have been step up like .05 at a time


fsb1.4 or 1.45

chipset1.4 or 1.45

mem is constant at 2.15 to get it to 1033 at 1000 i can run either 2.1 or maybe even as low as 2.05.


what do you mean by a 'whole'??  i don't understand.  what's really wierd is i can move it down but not up in the least.  like i said tried movin from 1333 to 1334 and doh! crash!


i periodically get irq_not_equal_or_less somethin' somethin',  bsod!

i get boots with no posts

posts that freeze,

no boots, you name it i've got it.



did the cmos reset multiple times during these tests/operations.




2.4 to a 3.3 oc ain't to shabby!


i'm gonna pull the trigger TONIGHT on one of the 2 of them at fry's.  i think i'm gonna get the nautilus as well.  i did some quick measurements earlier this morning and i don't think the bigwater is gonna fit.  i don't want to jump into structural case modding at this point.  the wife would absolutely shoot me.


EDIT:  did some more review reading and measurement comparisons and i'm about 90% sure the bigwater won't fit.  it really needs a full size tower.  also i could possibly shoe horn the turkey in there but even in the installation video online it shows you should really have some space around it for the hot exhaust air comin' out.  nautilus it is.  i think i'm gonna go for the NB chipset block as well.  might as well go all the way, hey?

Message Edited by Mr. Scary on 05-01-2008 04:40 PM

526 Posts

May 1st, 2008 19:00

@Mr. Scary wrote:

i don't have anything else below the optical cd drive.  there looks to be enough room for it in slots 2&3.  the opening in the front were bay #3/bottom would be is for a floppy diskette.  the front is small but the actual size is the same.  i think that's 5.25.  if i test the bigwater, you gonna test the nautilus 500?????   :)

Ok folks - just pulled the plug on the Nautilus, and should have it no later than Mon I think.  I'll try and take some pics during the install process, and let you know how it went.


m$ - if you're still planning on ordering the Bigwater, check your 3.5" bay - I think there's a drive holder in there that you may have to remove in order to get the Bigwater in there.

526 Posts

May 1st, 2008 19:00

@Ruski07 wrote:

pci bus slots- 102 for both i think

I think the above could very well be the problem.  Try setting them both back to 100MHz and see what happens.  I tried playing with those as well, and my system ended up crashing.  I also heard that they should be kept at 100.

244 Posts

May 2nd, 2008 00:00

Mr Scary,

If I said "whole", I actually meant "hole".

Some times there are just setting that will not work on a motherboard. 

Its not that it cant handle them its just that they wont work.


Try this, I have 2 ideas.


1333 mhz

CPU v = 1.55

FSB&Chipset = 1.4

memory @ 1033 but 2.2 v

then try to see if you can up the FSB. You said it craqshes even if you go to 1334, so try these settings and go for 1340.


If that doesnt work, use all the same settings and put your FSB right to 1400mhz, see if windows will load.





3.3Ghz on a Q6600 is not bad at all. Most people have trouble getting to 3.0Ghz.

Thats a very nice OC.

597 Posts

May 2nd, 2008 02:00



just got in and saw yer post.  i'm puttin' kids down right now then i'll try and post back.


also, sshhhhhhhhh don't tell Rambler or skimmy but i'm holding my nautilus 500, hehehehehehe.

may be time for install a bit later as welll.

526 Posts

May 2nd, 2008 03:00

@Mr. Scary wrote:

also, sshhhhhhhhh don't tell Rambler or skimmy but i'm holding my nautilus 500, hehehehehehe.

may be time for install a bit later as welll.

Dude!!!!  :smileysurprised: ok - let me know if there is anything special to note during the install.  You did get some distilled water too, right? :smileywink:

Message Edited by Rambler358 on 05-01-2008 11:45 PM
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