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This post is more than 5 years old


May 24th, 2016 16:00

Can I cancel a downgrade from Windows 10 to windows 8?

Hi, recently I've been having a lot of trouble coming from my computer. Every game I tried to play would crash, chrome would crash, just I really hated Windows 10. I got really sick of it so I decided I would downgrade back to windows 8. So in the process, I came to realize that I could not do this without an actual Windows 8 installation disc or usb. So now my computer is stuck on the blue screen of death with the error code 0x000025  meaning I'm missing the disc. I can't find my installation disc for Windows 8 anywhere and its quite expensive for a new one. Is there any possible way I can revert the downgrade? I currently cannot access anything on the computer it's just stuck. I just really need my computer working for school, if anyone can help I'd appreciate it greatly.

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

May 25th, 2016 11:00

What happens if you reboot the PC?

If you really want to revert to 8.1, you can download the free Microsoft tool to create your own reinstallation disk here. You can do this on any PC.

If you want to restore Win 10, you can get that tool for free here, if the existing version on the HDD is corrupted and can't be refreshed or restored using the built-in Win 10 tools.

Keep in mind that everything on the drive will be lost, so your files have to be backed up on external media before you do anything else.

2 Posts

May 25th, 2016 14:00

If you can find a windows 8 iso, load it onto a bootable usb and reformat to windows 8 through usb.

9 Legend


47K Posts

May 26th, 2016 07:00

Look for a windows 8 upgrade on EBAY/Amazon

You can boot and install from that media.


7 Technologist


16K Posts

May 27th, 2016 00:00

Windows 8.0 is obsolete and has reached END OF LIFE. You are entitled to a free upgrade to Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. No need to buy it again.

Provide some details about your computer if you can. Press [Windows] and [ r ] and type in msinfo32 and press [Enter]. Provide the System Model, BIOS Version/Date, BIOS mode and SecureBoot status.

Follow the instructions here or here to prepare Windows 8.1 with Update 2 or Windows 10 Threshold 2 Installation Media:

9 Legend


47K Posts

May 27th, 2016 09:00

Since he has a windows 8 key in bios the Windows 8 media is the least hassle to get installed.

Getting installed BEFORE JULY 29 game over is a good idea to get to FREE windows 10 upgrade.

7 Technologist


16K Posts

May 27th, 2016 11:00

Since he has a windows 8 key in bios the Windows 8 media is the least hassle to get installed.

Getting installed BEFORE JULY 29 game over is a good idea to get to FREE windows 10 upgrade.

Windows 8 is actually the hardest to install as there is no official Download Link for it. Windows 8.1 with Update 2 and Windows 10 TH2 installation media will also pickup that key. 

9 Legend


47K Posts

May 27th, 2016 18:00

I wasnt recommending a download link.

The 8.0 pro upgrade disks work for home or pro on every OEM unit Ive tried them on.

They dont require you to use a tool to read the bios key

and once installed you can use a script or other tool to read the key from bios.

They were $38 for a while and I purchased a few of them.

There are still on ebay/amazon for a reasonable price.

They work fine and can be upgraded.

You just need to be sure you are ordering the one that includes 32 bit and 64 bit DVD's.   Aka its a box that gets shipped to you Not a download or just the key card. Therefore I totally disagree about how hard it is or isnt to install.


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