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This post is more than 5 years old


May 28th, 2003 17:00

Com Port Availability

I am trying to hook up my HP Jornada 690 via the serial port.  After installing Microsoft Active Sync 3.7 and running the get connected software, my pc comes back and says that there is no connection.  It acknowledges that com port 3 (which is the port my modem is assigned) is available.  Com port 1 is not available.  Per the device manager it says that com port 1 is for computer to computer hookup. 

What do I do to make my com ports available for use so that I can synchronize my HP Jornada?

As an aside, my pocket pc which is hooked up via the USB port works just fine and is disconnected when I try to sync my HP Jornada.


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