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This post is more than 5 years old



January 12th, 2003 18:00

com port not working?

​Hi there, I'm trying to connect a compaq ipaq to my 4550 thru the com port. Active sync cannot detect the device although the ipaq says it is trying to connect when I tell the 4550 to search for it.​

​Any clues? Thanks​

3.4K Posts

January 12th, 2003 18:00

@chero wrote:

Hi there, I'm trying to connect a compaq ipaq to my 4550 thru the com port. Active sync cannot detect the device although the ipaq says it is trying to connect when I tell the 4550 to search for it.


If you are using a serial cable to connect, do you have a null ( crossover ) cable?

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January 12th, 2003 19:00


no idea what a serial cable or a crossover cable is, I'm using the standard cable that comes with the ipaq. Thanks for your help...

Here go 2 centavos 00

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