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This post is more than 5 years old



November 10th, 2006 10:00

com port

​ I just bought a desktop model C521. In the back of the computer it has 2 DB9 ports ( both female) one is for the monitor, I am not sure if the other one is a com port. My DP9 cable is also a female adaptor, do you think I need a female to male adaptor for my cable ? or I need a USB to DB9 cable adaptor ? ​
​ ​
​ Thanks ​

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

November 10th, 2006 11:00

The Dell users manual does not show a com port (and there is no com port on new PC's).
You will have to try the USB/Com port adapter to see if it will work.
However, what do you need the com port for?  Many older hardware devices are not Windows XP compatible.

5 Posts

November 10th, 2006 12:00

Thanks for your help
I will try the  USB/DB9 adapter  or I will call Dell support
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