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This post is more than 5 years old


July 10th, 2009 23:00

CPU Upgrade for Dimension XPS T450

I see from Dell documentation that the Dimension XPS T series was available with a Intel Pentium 3 850 (Coppermine?).

I also see a BIOS upgrade with P3 Coppermine support.

Anyone have any experience with a CPU upgrade on a Dimension XPS T Series?

Thanks for any help.


9 Legend


47K Posts

July 16th, 2009 06:00

Danger Will Robinson.  Your Power Supply is a 9228C  NON STANDARD ATX.

Do not attempt to change power supply or use that PSU with a non dell motherboard.




6 Posts

November 8th, 2009 16:00

way back, I upgraded our T450 to a 1 GHz and the speed improvement was minimal... due to the motherboard bus limitations. 

I also added more RAM and installed Win XP, which wasn't a great idea considering it has a difficult time detecting my peripherals and hardly accepts any  WIN 98 software (compatibility, shompatibility)...neither of which boosted speed much either.

The moral to this story is, upgrades may not be worth the hassle (other than maxing out RAM, of course)...just use what you got for 5-10 years then buy a complete new system

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