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This post is more than 5 years old


March 13th, 2013 16:00

Dell XPS 8500 100% Disk Usage

Greetings All! I'm usually pretty darn tech-savvy but this has me stumped:

I have a new (01/2013) Dell XPS 8500, 2TB hdd and the 32gb mSATA cache drive, 12GB RAM, Radeon HD 7700, i7, etc.

I Love it 90% of the time, however it will sporadically get really slow and I noticed that even though CPU/Memory/Network usage is well within normal ranges (less than 30-40% at the high end for each), the disk usage will jump up to 100% even if I'm only doing one disk-intensive task. Particularly, though not limited to, it happens when I'm un-RAR'ing a file, using QuickPar to check a binary download, converting a video file, etc.

 I've checked Task Manager and its various views and used (or tried) the Process Explorer from Microsoft and I can't seem to find why. I've also tried the Intel Rapid Storage Technology setting for the SSD caching at both "Enhanced" and "Maximize" and have tried disabling/enabling "Windows Write-Cache buffer flushing". No combination seems to fix the problem. It seems to me that it HAS to be something to do with the mSATA/"SSD caching" or some other HDD issue. I don't have any aftermarket defrag software (uninstalled Diskeeper thinking maybe that was an issue), I've tried disk cleanup and running window's defragmenting. 

Any suggestions/tips/ideas are MUCH appreciated. THANK!

17 Posts

May 28th, 2013 14:00

Just an update: I think I "solved" the mystery...I woke up two days ago to "no bootable device found" = dead HDD. I will, however, check back if the same issue happens on my new drive...WHICH I BOUGHT OUT OF POCKET CAUSE DELL WOULDN'T HONOR THEIR 1-YEAR WARRANTY WITHOUT ME KNOWING THE NAME OF THE ORIGINAL OWNER! (still ticked/sad about that...if you can't tell)

4 Posts

December 29th, 2016 17:00

I have a brand new xps 8910 and the EXACT same thing is happening to me. One day old/new. CPU, memory, network, 10 to 20% depending on what I'm doing, but disk, 40 to 50%!!!! Yes, I have one drive, etc. I even tried pausing, and while it went down a little, it didn't go down a lot.  Also, ran benchmark on system and while overall CPU, memory etc did GREAT 80% of the word (not bad), but disk was horrifically low rating. For a 7200 RPM drive, it's pretty darn slow!

1 Message

June 7th, 2017 12:00

Indentical issue here!!  Any news or progress?  The only think i can think of is cloning the drive onto an SSD.

17 Posts

June 8th, 2017 07:00

Octaviof, you got it. I was unable to fix that issue but I reinstalled the operating system onto an SSD and have never looked back. Once you've started using an SSD, you won't be able to use a regular spinning drive again!

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