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This post is more than 5 years old


March 6th, 2005 09:00

Dimension 8250 Bios A04 Com Ports

​ I have tried unsuccessfully to install the software for my Sony Ericsson V800 mobile (cell) phone and now I'm trying to undo the failed installs. This involves deleting the Com Ports that were assigned during the previous installations. ​
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​ I noted that Com 5 and Com 6 were created during these failed installations and tried to deleted them in Bios at system start up. However, I couldn't find these Com Ports listed under integrated devices. I know that these ports are being used because under the Advanced properties panel in Phone & Modem settings it says they are used. ​
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​ I don't even know if Com 5 & 6 should be deleted but as I'm not getting the V800 software to work, I thought I delete whatever system changes I'd made. ​
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​ Any ideas anyone, please? ​
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​ Thank you. ​

9.4K Posts

March 6th, 2005 13:00

The place to delete the added Com ports from bad install would be in Windows Device Manager and not the BIOS.  For additional help in installing your software you should consider posting your problem in the Dimension - External Peripheral forum.  That forum would be a better venue in which to receive help from others who have done similar installations.
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