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This post is more than 5 years old


September 27th, 2007 22:00

Does Vostro 200 BIOS Support WoL?

Just as the title states, I am planning on upgrading all of my organization's desktops with Vostro 200s and I would like to know if they support Wake On LAN (WoL). Thanks in advance for any assistance provided. Cheers, Jack

5.8K Posts

September 28th, 2007 01:00

I don't have the direct answer for you, but I can offer a little information.

1. I found that many recent Dells support WOL (from D4550 to D3000 to D9200) to some degree, so I would expect the Vostro to also.

2. I found that virtually nobody knows how to make it work or could offer any help. I got no help here when I asked about it.

3. It was very problematic on the machines I have and I finally gave up on it. I could make it work in general, but one D3000 would immediately wake from standby because WOL was enabled. It defeated the whole purpose of waking it from standby when it kept itself awake. Some machines would wake from power off and some wouldn't.


53 Posts

September 28th, 2007 06:00

I've not tested it.

However in the BIOS there's a setting:

Section Power Management Setup
Remote Wake Up: On; Off (On by default)

It's explained in the online manual (click here) <ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>, too.

24 Posts

September 28th, 2007 14:00

Thanks much for the assistance. I really appreciate it, that will do perfectly. Cheers, Jack

53 Posts

October 12th, 2007 09:00

I've just connected another PC via crossed ethernet cable to my Vostro and tried to use the Vostro's "Wake on LAN" feature.
But how? Does the Vostro have to be in standby mode? When it's turned off (Windows shutdown) a ping from the other PC doesn't wake up the Vostro...

Am I missing anything?

October 12th, 2007 11:00


Have you checked to make sure the Boot ROM is enabled under Integrated Devices?

5.8K Posts

October 12th, 2007 12:00

A "ping" is not enough. There are a few possibilities and not all of them apply to all machines. I used the "magic packet" approach with my Dells to wake them up.

You need a magic packet generator. Search for one. You should be able to find a free one.

If you are lucky the machine will wake from hibernation, power off and standby. One machine (the one I really needed to wake properly) would wake itself automatically from standby immediately after going into standby whenever WOL was activated (not when an attempt was actually made to wake the machine), rendering WOL useless.

I finally gave up on the whole thing, but I did get it to work to various degrees on various machines.


53 Posts

October 16th, 2007 05:00

Elsbeth, I turned it on and off to see a difference but I think I don't see what exactly it does... :-)

However the problem is I didn't know about the "Magic Paket" which Peter explained. Thanks for that. I'm going to try to use a OpenSource tool to generate such a Magic Paket and see if that wakes up the PC.

Thanks all.
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