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This post is more than 5 years old



December 8th, 2001 12:00

E Button Get Rid Of Icon

Anyone know How I can get the E button system tray icon not to com up at startup, in Windows 2000 Pro, Without uninstalling the button itself ?

Please e mail me if you know the answer.

Thanks everyone

72 Posts

December 8th, 2001 13:00

Ok I figured it out already, but for those who want to know.
click run, type regedit,click the plus on h key local machine,click the plus on software,click the plus on microsoft,click the plus on windows, then highlight the run folder. you will see DELLSC right click on it and click delete.

That's it now that annoying thing doesn't load at start up everytime.

This is for windows 2000 pro, But it's probably the same on most systems.
PcGrafix wrote:
- Anyone know How I can get the E button system tray
- icon not to com up at startup, in Windows 2000 Pro,
- Without uninstalling the button itself ?
- Please e mail me if you know the answer.
- Thanks everyone

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