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This post is more than 5 years old


June 12th, 2008 15:00

E521 PCI E 2.0 ?



I searched the forum but I could not find anything on this. I am currently looking into upgrading my E521's Video card which is a X1300 Pro. I am looking at the 8800 GT single slot PCI E card. The question I have is this card is PCI E 2.0 and I think my E521 is PCI E 1.0. Will 2.0 work out of the box? If not is there a bios update? Or will this just plain not work and I need to stick to PCI E 1.0 cards?


Thanks in advance

Message Edited by masterm16 on 06-12-2008 11:23 AM

12.1K Posts

June 12th, 2008 18:00

Yes the card will work and 2.0 version is backward capable.  No worries other then the power supply.  You may have to upgrade the current one if you have additional hardware installed, but some have had good success with a 8800 GT on the current 305 watt power supply.  You will also notice that you may not have enough 4 pin power connectors coming from your power supply that is needed but there is a solution for this below...


Your system may not have come with enough 4 pin power input connectors from the power supply to connect to the required molex Y power cable that is necessary to power the video card.

Below link takes you to a site that sells a Molex power cable that will work for your system. Its a 6 pin to 4 pin connector that eliminates the need for two 4 pin connections, only need one. The 6 pin end goes into the video card, and the other end ( 4 pin side ) goes into a free available 4 pin power input that comes from the power supply.


A SATA to 4 pin adaptor to convert those unused SATA connectors on your PSU to the 4-pin Molex connector instead.

Newegg has them as well for the SATA converters

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