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November 15th, 2011 12:00

HELP!! Upgrading RAM & Bios System Dimension E521

Hello everyone! First, let me give you some info....Dell Dimension E521 w/ 1 GB of memory Windows XP Pro SP3, 32 bit. The computer is so slow I would like to add memory, however, I found out in order to add more memory I will have to upgrade the Bios. As I have never done that I started to research & spoke to a family member who programs and he explained what to do. Upon researching I am finding a lot of people are having major problems with upgrading Bios. I wouldn't be so hesitant if this was my home computer but it is a business computer that I'm helping someone out with & because it is a fairly new business I have backed up everything to a external hard drive so I'm not worried about lossing information just would hate for anything to happen to the computer to cause her to have to buy a new one. So my question is what is the max RAM with a Bios update can this Dell hold. Can anyone send me the information on what is the best way to add more memory / upgrade Bios and is it worth taking the chance. I have cleaned everything out of this computer (unused programs, %temp% files, cookies, disk cleanup & defrag) short of wiping it completely down. I hope I have added enough information as I explained I have never upgraded a Bios before and to be honest I'm a lil apprehensive about it!  Any help will be greatly appreciated! :emotion-5:


9 Legend


16.3K Posts

November 15th, 2011 13:00

The max RAM you can put in here is 4GB - 4x1GB chips.

Upgrading BIOS is a good idea when upgrading hardware, but it isn't always necessary.  Your system seems to support 4GB of RAM without a BIOS update.  Reading through the Fixes and Enhancements for each BIOS update, none of them list support for more memory.

There is nothing to be afraid of when updating the BIOS.  Sure things can happen, but they seem to only happen when the system gets unplugged or is updated when experiencing other unexplained problems.  It is as simple as running the file below in Windows, then rebooting.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

November 15th, 2011 13:00

You too :)

November 15th, 2011 13:00

Thank you flash for all your support....I can always count on this forum to steer me in the right direction. In reference to upgrading BIOS when I went to purchase 2 - 2 GB sticks the manufacturer (of the RAM that is) said in order for me to upgrade and the computer to recognize all 4 GB than I would have to upgrade BIOS. Thanks for the correct link to click on because that was another I downloading the correct upgrade! Have a great day!

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