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This post is more than 5 years old


July 8th, 2006 02:00

How can I determine the DELL model when I don't have a service tag or S/N?

I am trying to determine the correct model so I can pull down the sound drivers to enable the embedded sound ports. The system is a tower and all black with a sliding panel on the front that covers up access to the floppy drive and two USB ports. Here is the information that was spit out by the Belarc Advisor utility:

Operating System System Model Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (build 3790)

System Model Intel Corporation

Processor 2.40 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4
8 kilobyte primary memory cache
512 kilobyte secondary memory cache

Main Circuit Board Board: Intel Corporation D845GVSR AAC45439-303
Serial Number: AZSR52207190
Bus Clock: 133 megahertz
BIOS: Intel Corp. VA84510A.86A.0052.P19.0503162333 03/16/2005



10 Elder


46K Posts

October 26th, 2010 22:00


You do realize that the post/thread you have answered is 4+ years old?

Plus the exact information you included in your post, has already been posted by 'BigBrother' in 2006.


46 Posts

October 27th, 2010 08:00



The service tag and express service code bring up the details on the computer.   However there are other areas that name it.  How old is the computer?  Is it a desktop?  The desktop will have the tags on the side if it is a Dimension and on the very back of the tower.  Every bios also has it.  You are not looking in the correct area.  The service tag is seven characters numbers and letters 1y26z31 would be an example.  The Express Service Code is 11 numbers  25468002354  for example.  Use the arrows in the bios to go from page to page.  It is possible the mbr was replaced and the tech did not flash the bios but this would be very rare.


1 Message

March 22nd, 2014 12:00

dxdiag from the RUN command line works on most of the older systems.




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