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This post is more than 5 years old



June 7th, 2006 21:00

How do I monitor TEMPS on a xps 200?

Hello I was just wondering what program i could use to monitor the motherboard temp on a XPS 200

556 Posts

June 7th, 2006 22:00

Most of the mobo sensors on Dell PCs are masked in BIOS from the user, there is a BIOS maintenance menu but it isn't easily accessable by users. This is done on purpose because honestly, most PC components can take quite a lot of heat without failing and Dell is likely trying to avoid panicy phone calls from confused users.

47 Posts

June 8th, 2006 08:00


Do you know how to access this 'Maintenance Menu'? I presume you have move a jumper on the motherboard. Do you know where it is?


556 Posts

June 8th, 2006 09:00

Not a jumper, a code during boot sequence, I have only seen it when a Dell tech was on site at a place I contracted and I don't know what it is. Are you having problems or just concerned?

5 Posts

June 8th, 2006 10:00


556 Posts

June 8th, 2006 13:00

Don't know what the code is, I was on site for a customer, same day a Dell tech was there replacing some bad motherboards on a batch of machines and he is was in a low level maintenance menu and had access to a lot more information. I was busy upgrading a server so I didn't have time to badger him, but much like HP, that menu is there, you just have to get to it.

47 Posts

June 8th, 2006 13:00

@d.brown wrote:

Me too.

What is this code ...........? I think earlier Dells had a jumper that you switched

47 Posts

June 8th, 2006 14:00

Now I'm really intrigued by this. If you read through the XPS and dimension forums there are hundreds of posts where people want to know why some temp/voltage monitoring software (everest/speedfan etc) is not detecting any sensors to monitor and the reply is always that OEM Dell motherboards don't have any heat sensors on them and if you want to know the CPU temp you need to install your own - which some people have subsequently gone and done.
But you're saying they do have sensors it's just that access to their results are blocked off in the BIOS.
I know that the XPS600 has a least 3 fan speeds and it's meant to automatically increase the speeds according to the CPU temp, but how can it do this if there is no sensor? So I suppose there must be a sensor it's just you need to know a magical key sequence to press during boot up.
Now I wonder what it could be......?
Also I've searched google long and hard but have found nothing about a bashful BIOS menu that has all this additional functionality.

556 Posts

June 8th, 2006 16:00

At a minimum there has to be sensors that control fans speeds and all Pentium chips since the Pentium III have had diodes to throttle/shutdown the CPU during high heat conditions. That said, I see why most OEMs hide these sensors, the data is relatively meaningless, very often not accurate and would lead to a lot of hand wringing over nothing. Enthusiast sites publish overly cautious temps, don't really understand the linear way PC temps ramp up and lack the full time engineers that a major OEM PC has on staff to design temps that are safe and quiet. Most home built PCs either cost a small fortune to quiet, are uglied up with cheap silencing solutions or sound like a jet engine.

Also realize that the menu I saw may have been a raw, manufacturing level menu, once flashed with a retail BIOS those options may disappear completely. HP has a hidden BIOS menu as well that shows temps, that one I know how to get into.

5 Posts

June 11th, 2006 05:00

I see But since it is a small form factor case I might want to upgrade the video card with a 6600gt with no fan, just heatsink so i would like to know a ballpark est of the temp

556 Posts

June 11th, 2006 12:00

I'd say worry about finding the low profile, passively cooled 6600GT first, that sounds like a bigger challenge to me.
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