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This post is more than 5 years old


January 26th, 2012 00:00

Inspiron 570 CPU cooling - heatsink


I am having problems installing  aftermarket Rocketfish CPU cooler, because I am trying to update from Athlon II x2 250 to as high as possible. The problem is with awkward heatsink mounting - none of the standard solutions can be applied here. I am at the point of finishing (phenom II x4 965) or if not successful just forget it and install Athlon II x4 640, the highest tested Athlon for Inspiron 570.

Question I have here. What heatsink is installed in Inspiron with Athlon II x4 640, same as with Athlon II x2 250 or better?

This is c957n standard heatsink for Inspiron 570:

Any info appreciated.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

January 26th, 2012 08:00

We only have two based on the CPU -
C955N Heatsink & Fan Assembly for 95W CPUs
C957N Heatsink & Fan Assembly for 65W CPUs

But, I do not know the wattage of the 640?

893 Posts

January 26th, 2012 09:00

I see now that c955n is a bit larger than c957n - how I could miss that?! So I am cooked, I guess - I need aftermarket heatsink anyway, am I?

893 Posts

January 26th, 2012 09:00

Thanks for the fast replies

This is Dell K078D C955N CPU Heatsink:

I don't see any major differences between c955n and c957n, so my best guess is the CFM of the fan - fan power? Basically, if I am not successful with 965 setup, I can just get 640 or 645 Athlon and use existing heatsink?

Mine 250 TDP I guess 65W versus 640 95W. I run OCCT 4.0 for 1 hour and got maximum 50 C on standard c957n and Athlon II X2 250...

Thanks in advance

9 Legend


47K Posts

January 26th, 2012 09:00

Athlon II X2 260 which is a Dual Core, 65W TDP, 3.2GHz

Athlon II X3 445 which is a triple core, 95W TDP, 3.1GHz

Athlon II X4 640 which is a Quad Core, 95W TDP, 3.0GHz

Athlon II X4 610e which is a Quad Core, 45W TDP, 2.4GHz

Athlon II X3 415e which is a Triple Core, 45W TDP, 2.5 GHZ

Athlon II X2 245e which is a dual Core, 45W TDP, 2.9 GHZ

22 Posts

September 10th, 2012 16:00

did this successfully cool the amd phenom 965?  

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