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December 11th, 2016 20:00

Inspiron i3636 -- Random OS Freezes When Idle

Inspiron i3646, small desktop, randomly freezes when left idle. The amount of time necessary for the freeze seems to be random. There is no BSOD, just the system stops responding to anything. The reliability monitor puts out a "Critical Event Message" at the next boot which has to be accomplished by way a hard reset, holding the power button for the requisite time to force a shut down as the system responds to nothing but this or disconnecting the power. The critical event message says, "Windows was not properly shut down." And, "The previous system shutdown at 8:21:08 PM on ‎12/‎11/‎2016 was unexpected."

Looking at the event viewer, there are actually events which occur after the time given. But, there is a warning from the Kernel-PnP with event id of 219 which states, "The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM\{e45e4779-b847-11e6-9da5-64006a086604}#0000000000100000."

Originally, thinking it could be bad memory, I upgraded the SODIMM from 4 GB to 8 GB. That helped performance a bit, but did not stop the random freeze-ups. (Otherwise, the system is completely stock; there really is nothing else to change.) I have installed the latest chipset and usb drivers for my service tag, 3095922, from the Dell website. Installing the graphics driver from the website did not help, so I installed the latest graphics driver for this chipset from intel. Other than noticing some improvements in graphics performance, this also did not help the freezes which have been occurring the past few weeks. These random freeze-ups seem to be the only problem with the system.

If someone knows how to read them a bit more fluently than I do, I have attached the event logs for the last 24 hours to this post. These logs will include the information for three system freezes during that time.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

December 30th, 2016 10:00

Glad you got it sorted!

Most of the time upgrading from Win 8.1 to Win 10 goes ok, but some times...  :emotion-12:

A clean install is always better because it gets rid of issues that existed prior to the update which the update can't/won't fix, and could make worse.

And yes, clean installs and reinstalling all your software and settings takes a lot of time.

Now that you have a clean Win 10 install, you should image the HDD on external media (eg, USB hard drive). That way if something goes amiss down the road. you can just reimage the HDD very quickly and be done with it.

If you have either a Seagate or Western Digital USB HDD, you can get a free (limited) version of the manufacturer's imaging software. Seagate's DiscWizard only makes full backups of the entire drive (rather than incremental backups) but that's adequate for making an image of the HDD.  And over time you can always create new images which will include any Windows updates etc that were installed since the previous image was made.

And Happy 2017 to you too! [<:o)]

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