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December 12th, 2015 06:00

Need Dell One XPS 2710 Motherboard


My 2710 went dark after switching SATA MODE in BIOS.  I tried every tip listed here but still can't get to the BIOS, I think my mobo is bricked so, I need to find a reasonably priced replacement.  Dell wants $550, any other alternative around for around $200?


10 Elder


43.8K Posts

December 29th, 2015 19:00

Are you sure the power supply is good? Others with the Win 10 black screen of death say the system doesn't shut off, it just doesn't show anything on the LCD. So your problem sounds different...

Visually inspect all USB ports to see if any are damaged. A damaged USB port can cause the system to shutdown quickly. If you find a damaged port, use something NON-metallic to gently separate the contacts. Obviously power off, unplug and press/hold power button for ~15 sec before doing this...

As for ROM recovery, that's way above my pay grade, and I have no info on that...

8 Posts

January 12th, 2016 08:00

I have same issue.  System powers on and then screen shuts off within a second.  No Dell logo or boot screen.  HDMI input works fine.  I sent computer to Dell for OOW repairs but they shamelessly refused to repair due part unavailability.  Strange enough I was able to log in to Windows once but no luck.  Please update this post if anyone finds solution to this problem.  Much appreciated. Feel like crying to see $2500 paperweight.  

6 Posts

February 2nd, 2016 20:00

Giulio you legend! I've been trying to locate the BIOS as I think mine is corrupt as well, do you have a pinout of the test points?

How did your friend end up completing it? I'm assuming he used an IC programmer to flash the new winbond chip with the Dell A12 Bios file and then just soldered it in place of the old chip???

10 Posts

February 18th, 2016 13:00

Hello there!

Sorry for the late reply. 

We soldered some pins on the motherboard "rom recovery" slot, to which we connected then the cables to the Raspberry Pi. 

CHIP Pin map is : 1-/cs 2-DO 3-/WP 4-GND 5-DI 6-CLK 7-/HOLD 8-VCC 

Rom Recovery holes map is: 1-/CS 2-DI 3-DO 4-CLK 5-GND 6-VCC 7-no hole 8-/CS

with hole 1 being the one in the bold corner.

For the technical details of the programming, i followed this tutorial

This guy is the true genius!

Make sure you have a good bios IMG file for the motherboard before you start.

If you cannot access the bios with your Raspberry Pi ("no chip detected" message, or something similar), try connecting the power chord: it worked for us once with the chord off, once only with the chord on.

For the rest, remember to make a copy of the old BIOS img (it is very VERY IMPORTANT: Your windows key is in there!).... and good luck!

Hope this helps!!

6 Posts

February 18th, 2016 16:00

You're a legend! I think I'd mixed up the DI and DO pins when I tried last as I was getting the no chip detected message. Will give it another shot this weekend both without and with the cord.

Thanks again and will let you know how it goes!

2 Posts

February 18th, 2016 22:00

Yeah you are right mine too got bricked :(

7 Posts

March 27th, 2016 01:00

So, how did it go in terms of repair?  I have an exactly same problem today.  I have a couple of questions.

1 How did you determine that this is BIOS chip?  Any references?

2. Did you try to reprogram it? or replace it?



6 Posts

March 27th, 2016 21:00

I haven't succeeded yet, but partly because I have been doing other things.

I tried wiring to the test points as mentioned, but my raspberry pi wasn't detecting the chip via SPI so I gave up on that route (tried desoldering the BIOS chip to do it directly, but my soldering iron *** so I wasn't successful).

I'll get a new soldering iron in the next few weeks and give it a go removing the bios chip and flashing it directly, or buy a spare BIOS chip off ebay / alibaba and flash it first.


7 Posts

April 3rd, 2016 12:00

I removed Winbond 25XX from motherboard.  Now I can program it using a USB programmer.  Question is how I can get a bios file image from "XPS One 2710 A12.exe" or somewhere else.  Can anyone show how to do it?  Thank you.


10 Posts

April 16th, 2016 04:00

the pins worked for me, as said, had to connect the power cable to the machine (although the first time i accessed the bios chip it worked also without). 
As for the bios image file, i found one on a polish tech forum, after a veeery long research, trying to extract it with varoius tools and begging DELL in any possible way. I'll look for the link btw.

Be warned, that file works well, but i do still have a one tiny problem, I get a main fan error every now and then at boot, but always better than a bricked motherboard. I think it's BIOS-related, not sure about that though.

Have a nice day!

7 Posts

April 18th, 2016 04:00

I took a different and kind of easy route.  I bought programmed bios chips (dual chips) from ebay and installed them on motherboard (I used hot air, not soldering iron).  Then I got mixed results.  Bios screen came up.  I got even Windows 8 came up  and running (I put a SSD from laptop that had Win 8).  But video died.  I only can view video from HDMI Out port using external monitor.  Dell XPS 2710 monitor does not have any back light, black. No front LED.   Interestingly, when Windows 8 booted up, touch screen works., but 2710 main screen is black.  Only external monitor can work.  Internal OD works, Touch works, WiFi works,  but no screen back light.  Then I changed two cables, one LVDS, the other Converter cable.  No change.  What could cause this problem?  My soldering problem?  Changed two chips, one for bios Winbond 64Mb, the other is EC MXIC chip.  Any soldering problem around these two chips cause dead backlight?  Or any other cable issue?  Should I change LCM cable too?  Strange.  I am puzzled.

7 Posts

April 18th, 2016 17:00

I think I found the reason why I do not get XPS 2710 main monitor even though everything else is back and working OK now.  

The DELL manual (xps-one-27-2710-aio_owner's manual_en-us) says in page 114 that we have to input a new service tag number in bios whenever we change a motherboard. The bios chip I bought from ebay has already somebody's service tag and bios does not allow to change it. (only blue fonts parts can change but this part is in black fonts). 

Do you know how to solve this situation, ie, changing service tag number? Or do I have to program a fresh chip with the bios image?  or install a new bios update? or else?


7 Posts

April 18th, 2016 18:00

Thank you, Kudoz.  

I agree with you on EC MXIC now.  The ebay seller sent me the two chips and told me that I have to change both.  I should have done with the bios chip first to see how it goes.  

After I posted the last comment, I searched on internet and found many on changing motherboard situations, and realized the service tag does not have anything on losing main video monitor on 2710.  

As I said in previous posting, I bought these bios and EC chips (sold as replacement package of bios,) pre-programmed for XPS2710 off eBay, I now only see A12 after booting up the new bios. 

I kept the original bios chip and a now USB programmer that I bought is on its way.  I may be able to read something from the old bios......


6 Posts

April 18th, 2016 18:00

Hi Scrag, what was your reason for changing the EC MXIC chip as well? From all I've seen, it's only the BIOS chip that would require replacement...

Oh, and I bought both of my XPS 2710 through a dell seconds sale, so they're missing the saved Service Tag numbers in the BIOS, but have always functioned fine without it... so sadly I don't think that's the issue mate...

What BIOS version have you flashed your chip with by the way? The reason I ask is that maybe forcing a flash of the older A10 and then A12 in sequence may correct things as I recall them updating the Intel graphics BIOS subset at some point there and the scaler information...

7 Posts

April 18th, 2016 21:00


Once I get the USB programmer, I will try to back up the current bios if I can.  Then I will install A10.exe.  If A10 works, then update it to A12.  Thank you for your advice.


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