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This post is more than 5 years old


December 20th, 2010 16:00

.Net needed for XP drivers? Is this normal?

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​Hello, ​

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​Is it a new thing now where .Net is needed for XP drivers to funtion? Drivers used to be little downloads keyed to specific hardware. This computer (Q45 chipset with E8400 processor and embedded graphics(Dell Optiplex 960)) requires a giant (50mb) download along with .Net3 for video and .Net 1.1 for a PCI serial device. Initial overhead and all the updates to all the versions of .Net seem a lot different from before. Is this the way things are going?​

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4 Operator


34.2K Posts

December 20th, 2010 17:00


I assume you are referring to the Microsoft .Net framework?

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

December 20th, 2010 18:00

Don't know why that''s happening but somebody else asked the exact same question in the last week or two. If I remember correctly, they just installed the drivers without .net and everything was fine.

Search these forums to find that thread and see if it has any useful info for you.

Whatever you do, it would be prudent to back up your personal files on external media before you install anything, just to be safe. :emotion-5:


12 Posts

December 20th, 2010 19:00

Yes, Why do the newer chipsets require drivers with .the Net  framework?  Is this just Dell or are all other computer makers going to this?  Does Windows 7 also require .Net?  It's just new to me and quite surprising to see drivers grow so dramatically in size,  complexity and requirements.  Thanks,  Dan

9 Legend


47K Posts

December 20th, 2010 20:00


Newer software and windows does not include Java or the MS JVM by default and therefore an installer script needs

.NET to run.

The ATI Video Drivers have had this requirement for quite a while.


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