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May 27th, 2010 04:00

New XPS 8100 service tag not working!


This is the first time I have purchased a Dell PC it arrived on 2 days ago and works fine however I thought I would check out the service tag and it just tells me that I am not using the correct tag, I then let the PC find the correct tag for me and naturally it found the same one that is printed on the PC which does not work!

I tried contacting Tech support to enquire but it always asks for the service tag which of course will not work so I am in a kind of endless loop of getting nowhere!

It is very frustrating and I wondered if anyone could advise how to contact Dell about this because they won't let me in! I could write to them but it seems daft in the hi tech age to have to do this!



Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, it's all I could find!

7 Posts

June 15th, 2010 16:00

Thanks for your interest, however I have sorted it now, The problem was that it would not work until I registered but when I tried to register I kept getting a service error, then on Sunday evening I managed to register and the service tag worked!

Thanks again.



14.4K Posts

May 27th, 2010 17:00

It can take from 5 t o10 Business days for your service tag to get updated in the Dell Data base.

7 Posts

May 27th, 2010 18:00

Thanks very much for your helpful reply, I was concerned that I would have forgotten about it and when (if) I did have a problem would not be able to get assistance.


Thanks indeed.


FWIW I am delighted with my new XPS 8100 it runs like a 'bird'so fast I can't keep up with it! :)

i5- 750cpu 8Gb ram 1.5Tb HD   win7 64bit

881 Posts

May 27th, 2010 19:00

Hey Scimper - I have had mine for a few weeks. Overall I love mine too! Have had a couple of issues but no deal breakers. If you don't mind send me a message sometime and we can compare notes.  But when you have an issue, after the tag is registered, try to use the tech. supt. "Live Chat" option. It is much quicker and there are no language problems.

And as you have already found out..... The helpers in these forums are great! I would have been a wreck without them. It can take some time but you will never get better FREE help.

Have a good one


7 Posts

June 9th, 2010 06:00

My service tag is still not working?

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

June 15th, 2010 10:00


Send me the tag so I can look it up.

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