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This post is more than 5 years old



August 5th, 2000 23:00

System Devices Q

I own 800r dimension. when i checked the system devices (found in device manager tab in system prop in control panel) , i noticed that one of the devices said "Intel 82443BX Pentium(r) II processor to AGP controller" ok, my problem is i own p3 processor, not p2. hence, i jumped to conclusion that there is chance that my p3 800 chip may not be using its full ability because of old device. Is this mistake made by dell (installing wrong component) or what??

296 Posts

August 6th, 2000 03:00

I think it's just Windows misidentifying the processor. Mine says the same thing about my PIII - 500. You can go HERE if you really have any doubts about what you've got.
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