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This post is more than 5 years old


July 12th, 2006 18:00


​ everytime i boot up my computer it runs from 1 to 3 minutes then the screen freezes as do any running programs. i have to maually shut it down and reboot. the screen freezes as does my instant messenger service. my keyboard does not respond as far as i can tell. the mouse moves the cursor but thats all.when i move the cursor over the bottom toolbar or the instant messenger service i get the spinning hourglass cursor. i have not installed any new hardware or software recently and all was well untill today. 2 months after my warranty expired. ​
​ i am running a Dell dimension 4700 ,3gh. with 1.5 gigs of ram. this unit is only 1 year old purchased in april/2005. i had the motherboard replaced the 2nd week i had it and the hard drive was replaced in the 4th week.i have had other troubles along the way but was usually able to recover from the problems with Dells support.although i must commend the support staff for their knowledge and helpfulness i have not had good luck with this computer and may just end up replacing it with another brand. i heard so many good things about dell units that i thought i would get one but..... i've reached my last nerve. ​​ IDEAS ANYONE????​​ ​

​Message Edited by gamblin95 on 07-12-200605:12 PM​

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

July 13th, 2006 23:00

Are you sure all the fans are running? Overheating Pentium can cause it to shutdown without warning. You may need to open the case and carefully clean all the dust bunnies out. When that's done, boot and press F12 before XP loads. Run all the diagnostics tests on the hardware, including fans. Write down any error messages.

Try booting in Safe Mode (press F8 before XP loads). If it doesn't freeze then the issue is software not hardware.

Either way, if you get get it to run long enough, go directly to Event Viewer
(start>programs>administrative tools>event viewer). Click System in left column and look in list at right for Warnings or Errors. Those may tell you what happened at the crash. Then do the same thing after clicking on Application at the left.


3 Posts

July 13th, 2006 23:00

well the Dell is in pieces in a box on the tree lawn waiting for the trash truck & my new WinBook is working fine. boy that felt it's been 3 days & i haven't talked to dell customer support. i guess it's time to remove them from speed dial.

215 Posts

July 14th, 2006 23:00


Message Edited by gus82570 on 08-07-200612:10 AM

37 Posts

July 14th, 2006 23:00

Message Edited by WinGenAdv on 08-07-200601:51 AM

No Events found!
