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November 2nd, 2013 20:00

Upgrading My Dell Inspiron 570 Desktop - CPU

I own a Dell Inspiron 570 and really want a new processor for this thing because it is pretty slow. It currently has an AMD Sempron 140 [2.7GHz] and want to upgrade to an AMD FX-8150 [3.6 GHz, 8-cores]. I dont know much about the "am2" or "am3" stuff so I was wondering if it would work into my motherboard. The AMD FX-8150 uses an AM3+ socket but I dont know what my motherboard uses. Please help me because I've been researching for hours and never got a good answer.

Link to AMD FX-8150:

10 Elder


46K Posts

November 3rd, 2013 09:00


AM3+ processors only work in AM3+ motherboards.


893 Posts

November 4th, 2013 11:00

The strongest processor to work on Inspiron 570 is Phenom II x4 965 BE, it can be overclocked up to 4.6GHz (4GHz safe position), unfortunately it can be found now for reasonable price only at eBay, it can be restored/remanufactured there as well, shipped from Asia look here, you can get one for $119.99 and free shipping (used one), or shipped from Hong Kong for $115 plus shipping, or you can bid to save money, but you might not.

This upgrade will require serious cooling upgrade, so think twice before getting upgrading.

I still using mine for gaming BF3 on Ultra, FC3 Ultra or very high, Crysis 3 very high, getting BF4 soon, I am sure it will work on some high setting.

10 Elder


46K Posts

November 2nd, 2013 20:00


The motherboard supports AM3 processors.

Excellent information for upgrading the Inspiron 570, can be found here:



4 Posts

November 3rd, 2013 05:00

Are you saying the AMD FX-8150 will work on the Inspiron 570? Its AM3+ but I dont know if thats much different. Just want to know for sure before buying a big upgrade for my PC. Thanks.

4 Posts

November 5th, 2013 05:00

Thank you so much for all the information! For cooling, do you think a COOLER MASTER Hyper TX3 would be good? It seems like a good cooling but dont know if it fits in the Inspiron 570. Here is a link to check it out

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