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This post is more than 5 years old


December 26th, 2002 19:00

What is Hardware T&L?


​I have just bought and installed a game on my Dell 4550 and it says I need Hardware T&L. What in the world is this and how do I get it? I have been waiting forever for this game to come figures.​

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3 Posts

December 26th, 2002 19:00

Where do I find out what kind of video card I have?  I am lost in XP>

2.8K Posts

December 26th, 2002 19:00

T&L stands for Transform and Lighting. There are a number of articles about it at nVidia's web site. You can access them by clicking here.

28K Posts

December 26th, 2002 19:00

A search on hardware T&L using (a good search engine for just about any question you many) gave the following sites, among others, that may help:



2.5K Posts

December 27th, 2002 14:00


Thank you for using the Dell Community Forum.
Your system order states it shipped with an ATI RAGE ULTRA 128, 32MB.
Specs can be found here.

3 Posts

December 27th, 2002 16:00

So otherwise I chose the wrong option for my system and what I am going to use it for.  Is the way...covered by warranty? LOL!!  So basically now I have to spend an extra however much they cost just to update my graphics card.  Can't I just download a driver or something?  Guess I will just have to take back my game. wish I would have realized all this computer mumbo jumbo in the first place.  Thanks for your help

2.5K Posts

December 30th, 2002 18:00


I don't know if T&L is only available with Nvidia video cards.
It may be a video standard that can be supported by all cards.
You should do some more research on to see what exactly supports T&L.
It may simply be a matter of getting the latest drivers from
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