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This post is more than 5 years old



May 30th, 2006 03:00

What no LPT and COM Ports????

​ I have just bought a Dimension 3100 Dell computer. It came with 6 USB ports but no LPT and COM ports. I have been told that Dell can not add these ports to my computer???? Does this make sense? If it is true, does any one know whether it is possible to buy adapters from USB to COM and from USB to LPT. I need to find a solution for a PDA that attached via a COM port, and more importantly for a software programme that requires a HASP plug that sits on the LPT1 port. ​
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​ Any clever ideas??? ​
​ ​

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

May 30th, 2006 07:00

That is common and almost an industry standard anymore.  Comm and Parallel ports are dinasours.

However, there are USB adapters for both serial and parallel (however I've never got one to work correctly).  There are also PCI cards for parallel. 

But, more importantly is the old hardware even Windows XP compatible?  Many devices, especially serial and parallel made for older OS are not XP compatible and if the hardware will work you will need Windows XP specific drivers for the devices as again the drivers for older OS are not compatible.

2 Posts

May 30th, 2006 07:00

Thanks for the news that adapters are available. FYI both the software and the hardware worked on my previous computer which also had an XP OS

13 Posts

May 30th, 2006 16:00

I have a new Dimension E510 with Windows XP Pro I tried adding a PCI Parallel Card to drive an HP LaserJet 6P printer, never could get it to work properly, If I left the printer on the CPU would only give me the blinking amber light, If I turned the printer off and started the CPU then turned the printer on I could print fine. The Comp-Tech’s was unable to solve the problem, they tried loading drivers and such. So I returned the card and tried the USB Cable Converter....bad idea, HP does not recommend this type of communication. Any suggestions on Card Mfg or installation procedure would be appreciated

Message Edited by Leatheneck on 06-01-200606:43 AM

1.7K Posts

June 3rd, 2006 15:00


Look at adding a combination PCI card that as well as giving you a parallel port, will also give other functions

Firewire ATA SATA more USB Additional Ethernet and many more.

Search for "combination PCI cards" and take your pick from one that adds what you need.



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