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This post is more than 5 years old


July 25th, 2008 04:00

XPS 710 memory problem

I have the XPS 710 that I chose the build your own package.  I can list all components if I need to, but I don't believe it's necessary.  The problem is when I bought the system, they supplied 1 gig of ram with the system (two 512 sticks). So I purchased 2 more stick with the same specs PC5300 2 gig.... It worked great for about a year, then all the sudden one day it crashed and blue screened on me.  I tried to restart and once it tried to boot, it just restarted and tried to boot again and the process is endless.  So I tried troublshooting the problem and when I pulled out the 2 gig of ram that I purchased, it works fine.  So with the original 512 sticks, it works fine. but 1 gig is SO slow...  I tried taking them out and putting the 2 gig in the place of the 1 gig and no luck.  Only boots with the original sticks now.


So I figured my ram went bad.  I lived with it terribly slow for a while then bought some more memory again at the same specs once again... same 240 pin 1.8v PC5300 DDR2 Ram that is came with.... so I put it in thinking it would be fine... and it won't work either.  This computer will only work with the original two 512 sticks that it came with..  it worked fine for a year, then after a blue screen it won't accept any other ram at all...  I've bought two other brands and different sizes...  no luck, but all ram has always been same specs as what it came with.  BIOS is up to date, CMOS has been cleared, I have even reinstalled the OS... and no luck... just will only work with those two 512 sticks of ram...   I'm baffled...

538 Posts

July 25th, 2008 17:00

Try putting the origonal two sticks of RAM in the other slots to see if it works. If not, call Dell to replace the motherboard.

6 Posts

July 25th, 2008 21:00

I tried that originally.  One thing I did leave out, because I forgot about it was...  It only works with my operating system unupdated. It gets past the BIOS screen, then the second it tries to load Windows, it shuts down and reboots. So whether it is XP or Vista, I can only  use it if I don't do any windows updates. So there is something in the updates that is creating the same problem and keeping it from booting.  If I install the other RAM or instal updates it won't start.


But remember, it worked fine with all the updates and the RAM before this blue screen crash..  It recongnizes the RAM in the BIOS and I had the memory tested and it checks out fine... but I just can't get it to boot.  I've done a reformat and reinstal 4 times now and still can't update with the 1gig it came with or.... intall the same ram that worked before.  Still think it could be the motherboard?  I'd want to trash this BTX board, but then my case would be useless....  that's the ONLY reason I bought this... I like the design and layout and the quality of the case....  Grrrrrrrrr

6 Posts

July 25th, 2008 22:00

I just pulled out both of the original sticks of memory and put in 1 dimm @ 2 gig and it is running fine.. It's like it has a 2 gig threshold.. cause if I install 3 gig, it will boot and run for a few minutes then shutdown unexpectedly. I can have the two 512 sticks and a 1 gig stick and it will run, but crash later...  I can have one 2 gig stick and it will run fine.. but not two 2 gig sticks...   weird..  motherboard?

14.4K Posts

July 25th, 2008 23:00

Have you tested each 2 gig stick by itself in slot one? just one stick boot remove and switch to the other add no more then one stick at a time.

What is the voltage requirement for the 2 gig sticks.

6 Posts

July 26th, 2008 00:00

I have tried all arrangements in all slots.  basically with anything over 2 gig its unstable... anything over 3 gig it won't even boot.  That is in any arrangement and in any slots.  I have a pair for 512 sticks, 1 gig sticks, and 2 gig sticks...   they all have the exact same specs....  all require 1.8v-1.9v.... 


Called Dell today, the guy I spoke with thinks it is the motherboard. but the replacement motherboard is $260 and an upgrade motherboard for 800mhz is $306...  I wish I could just go buy a ATX style motherboard and slap it in for less money... but that's what I get for wanting such a cool case.  Maybe next time I will not go this route.

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