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This post is more than 5 years old



December 18th, 2008 07:00

XPS 730x H2C loses power / resets / reboots "randomly"...


I have a XPS 730x H2C and I it will lose power (reboot) at seemingly random times.  There are no errors reported in “event viewer” and no "blue or red screens" are generated (it just power resets) and I’m at a loss on how to diagnose this problem.   I have checked the temperatures via the Dell thermal application and they seem to run from about 70 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit.  I have also made sure all the drivers are the latest versions.

I resorted to reinstalling the OS (Vista 64 bit) and it seemed better but last night started re-booting on its own again.  It may be a particular software install (e.g. virus scanner?) as I’m slowly adding software back on it but I have not put my finger on it yet.  Is any one else having this problem or have ideas on how to figure out the problem?

Below  are the machine specs:

XPS 730X H2C - Intel® Core™ i7-965 Extreme - Level 2 (Factory O/C'd to 3.73GHz)
RAM - 6GB Tri-Channel DDR3 at 1066MHZ (3x2GB DIMM)
Video - ATI Radeon HD4870X2 2048MB
Hard Drive - 750GB - SATA-II, 3GB/S, 7200RPM, 16MB Cache
Floppy Drive and Media Reader --
Dell 19-in-1 Media Card Reader with Bluetooth 2.0
Windows Vista® 64-bit Home Premium (English) Service Pack 1



18 Posts

January 8th, 2009 19:00

I'm running now with "Turbo mode" (over-clocking) turned off and the machine is at a stock 3.2 GHz.  Tonight after about 1 hour of "Far Cry 2" it rebooted.  CPU temps were around 50 C.   So, as "LoveReason" said (has a I7 720), it isn't the overclocking or H2C for that matter...

Darrell WV:  I'm not sure that it is the same problem but it sounds like the behavior is the same.  If it is the same then that puts a new light on this as your system has a different motherboard, memory and CPU.  However, if this is the first report of the 730 (not 730x) having this problem it may be apples and oranges.  If we include your case with all the 730x's these are the differences from all of our systems that randomly reboot:


- CPU (some I7 and now a Quad Core 2)

- Some are overclocked and some are not

- Memory type (tri channel vs dual)

- Motherboard

- H2C and Aircooled

- OS, Vista Home Premium x64, Vista Ultimate 64, XP x64 (may be some 32 bitters in their too...)

- Video Card (both ATI HD4870x2 and Nvidia 280)

- Hard drives

The question is:  What is the same between the systems?  Power supply?  DVD Burner?  19 in 1 card reader?  Just throwing stuff out...



44 Posts

January 8th, 2009 20:00

It wouldn't hurt to try unpluging the card reader. See if that solves the problem.

2 Posts

January 10th, 2009 09:00

WOW! so how is this for interesting.....


i've been monitoring this forum for the last 5-6 days now... with my XPS purchase literally on hold. I have the dell sales representative from India calling me everyday just asking for my approval to put the order through... and i keep putting him off simply because im hoping that this problem that yall are having is quickly resolved..


I then log on to dell's website this morning to re-configure another xps 730x set up only because i know that they had new deals coming out this morning and i wanted to see if i could get a better one.. only to find that there is no XPS 730x H2C setup that is being offered, There is no option for the Core I7 965 extreme processor, or the H2C cooling system (unless you select the medium 730x) odd hey???

anyone think this is because of all the problems you've been having. Maybe they dont want to sell anymore and then end up with the headace of having them all returned again? or am i totally reading into things here?

Now im not sure what to do. I have the Core I7 940, H2c Cooling, 6gb DDR3 RAM, ATI HD4870x2, 1TB HDD all on hold.... and i managed to convince them to throw in the 2408W monitor to... FOR FREE.

Part of me doesnt want to loose this deal... but the other part of me doesnt wand to waste $4000 on a comp that is gonna break on me... what do i do?

My other Qu is... Is this problem happening to all XPS 730x's because in all the reviews that i've read (esp. the detailed HotHardware Review) they didnt encounter anyproblem...? I have a feeling its a sporadic problem and i kinda just want to take my chances... any suggestions?


44 Posts

January 10th, 2009 09:00

WOW! so how is this for interesting.....


i've been monitoring this forum for the last 5-6 days now... with my XPS purchase literally on hold. I have the dell sales representative from India calling me everyday just asking for my approval to put the order through... and i keep putting him off simply because im hoping that this problem that yall are having is quickly resolved..


I then log on to dell's website this morning to re-configure another xps 730x set up only because i know that they had new deals coming out this morning and i wanted to see if i could get a better one.. only to find that there is no XPS 730x H2C setup that is being offered, There is no option for the Core I7 965 extreme processor, or the H2C cooling system (unless you select the medium 730x) odd hey???

anyone think this is because of all the problems you've been having. Maybe they dont want to sell anymore and then end up with the headace of having them all returned again? or am i totally reading into things here?

Now im not sure what to do. I have the Core I7 940, H2c Cooling, 6gb DDR3 RAM, ATI HD4870x2, 1TB HDD all on hold.... and i managed to convince them to throw in the 2408W monitor to... FOR FREE.

Part of me doesnt want to loose this deal... but the other part of me doesnt wand to waste $4000 on a comp that is gonna break on me... what do i do?

My other Qu is... Is this problem happening to all XPS 730x's because in all the reviews that i've read (esp. the detailed HotHardware Review) they didnt encounter anyproblem...? I have a feeling its a sporadic problem and i kinda just want to take my chances... any suggestions?


I just checked Dell's site. The XPS 730x H2C is still for sale. Check it again.


62 Posts

January 10th, 2009 10:00

Wow, I hate to be harsh but I can't believe you are considering a Dell. These computers are having "MAJOR" problems and Dell could care less about you as a customer. They make it to contact them, their Tech's are bad and the communication between them is non-existant! Don't be fooled by a great deal, the trouble you encounter after is not worth the headache. Dell has gone to , period, finished. I hate to say this but if you buy from them "I TOLD YOU SO"! will follow when you start posting your troubles on this forum, sorry that's just the way it is! And yes they still are selling the 730C H2C with a larger discount but when I added my old system up it costs more now! By the way there is a better GPU card out the "295" and Dell isn't offering it yet, they are always behind, DON'T BUY FROM THEM, YOU'LL BE SORRY!

2 Posts

January 10th, 2009 11:00

It seems as if they've only taken it down on the canadian site????

62 Posts

January 10th, 2009 14:00

Oh ya like to add another tidbit to the mix. I posted a "REVIEW" on Dell's website,  were you can order the computer and read reviews on the computer you are ordering. Well, I posted it several days ago (more then 72 hours) and I haven't seen it yet. It was a "One" rating overall on the computer. It seems Dell doesn't really want someone to honestly review their computers. My review was more mild then the one that's posted on there now. WOW, the more I see the more I wonder how I would possible ever want to consider a Dell again! NEVER! Contact me using "personal messaging" and I will tell you of a great place to purchase a "HIGHEND" gaming computer!

15 Posts

January 10th, 2009 16:00

Richsi ... No, but it appears to be in progress. We have email documentation from Dell. We will need to wait for next statement. I hope that Dell steps up here ... we seem to be a pretty reasonable and trusting group. Dell ... insiders? ... please respond. When can we buy with confidence? My experience with the current 730X offering is shot, but I really want to buy a system with the 295 GTX and, hopefully, 12 gig memory. I know of the 1333, 1600, and 1800 MHz DDR3 "coming" options. I want to buy this from Dell ... where I have purchased 3 prior systems with good results. Come on ... please respond. Give me reasons to trust you again Dell.

15 Posts

January 10th, 2009 16:00

I have been watchin the Dell XPS site for a full year. I ordered the first day the 730X H20 965 Extreme was available. I have never seen your 940 system offered with the H2C option by Dell. Alienware does allow this option for the 940 processor ... though I don't see why. The H2C cooling advantage seems to allow "factory" overclocking supported by Dell and that is clearly limited to the Extreme 965 3.2 processor only.

If you have reviewed this forum topic then you will see that Dell (see Dell Insider Chris Mixon post) has NO response to the multiple postings concerning the 730x random shutdown issue. This appears to involve 965 Extreme, 940 and 920 processors ... though I can personally testify about the two 730X 3.2 965 H2C 280 6 gig systems that I had to return for this unresolved, recurring, crippling failure. One can generally appreciate the advanced computer capabilities of some of the folks posting here. The hours spent by those of us that have attempted to make our Dell 730x systems work (loading and re-loading software, waiting to speak with technical support, actually talking with techinical support and making return arrangements) are crudely under represented by simple forum posts. Such efforts are from those of us who have actually ordered and paid $5,000 + $1,000 for the Dell system that we have eagerly awaited delivery. Dell has no solution ... at least not yet. There is no official recognition by Dell of these failure issues. There are no forum posts about updates by Dell in an effort to help us keep and enjoy these 730x systems purchased from Dell. Yet, Dell continues to sell the same system(s).

Personally, I want an opportunity to buy a great Dell system with the Core I7 processor, but as long as I (or any potential purchaser) don't see the recognition of the random shutdown issue that made me return 2 flagship XPS systems (and a solution worked out by Dell) ... I (or anyone else) would be incredibly stupid to make such an investment. Sure, the hardware or software of the 730X is flawed, but the real problems involve Dell's failure to have detected the problem before the sale, Dell's failure to present workable solutions for the problems reported to their technical support and referenced on this forum, and their continued sale of 730X systems with the random shutdowns reported (and requiring system returns).

Dell must respond to faulty products if we (as responsible consumers) stop making purchases until the products and support reasonably match the marketing promoted by Dell. I suggest that you continue to watch this forum and any messages that Dell sends us about measures taken to correct the 730X issues described. They have our email addresses and can make entries on forums. Don't buy now. Dell is failing to measure up ... at least for now.

62 Posts

January 10th, 2009 16:00

Well done "Pat51", I hope everyone understand's your message, it's loud and clear to me! By the way have you received any refund's from Dell yet? That's my next worry for sure! They told me 15 days from return shipment (I hope so!)

62 Posts

January 10th, 2009 23:00

Hey Darrell WV, how did your repairs come out on SAT? Did they even show up. Problem solved?

482 Posts

January 13th, 2009 12:00

Repairs went great!  Machine working without problems for the past three days.

Again, I believe this to be a faulty sensor in the H2C ceramic cooling system, sending a false signal to the master control board causing the shut down.  I have no proof, as there is no data from the ceramic cooling system that is accessable to me, someone with more knowlege could probably get that information.  It could be as simple as condensation on a relay from the TEC, which is not supposed to produce condensation in the first place.

I know for sure that only the cooling unit and the processor were replaced on my system.  It took the tech service person about 30 minutes to have my system back online, from the minute he walked into the house.  He knew what he was doing, was nice, friendly and courteous as well as efficent.  The Dell Tech Support was great to work with, even though there was a problem.  Mechanical devices do break down, to Dell's credit they fixed it.  When my car breaks down, I take it back and they fix it, but charge me unless it is under warrenty.  The Dell warrenty is worth every penny, IMHO.

So yes they showed up, he was even EARLY, called and asked if that was okay before showing up.  I had call backs from Tech Support every day after I first contacted them and we agreed on a game plan. 

I do not know if the 730X problem is the same as mine, but it symptomatically sounded the same, and now it is fixed, at least at this time, which all anyone can ask for.

All the best,

Darrell WV

15 Posts

January 13th, 2009 14:00

Thanks for the update Darrell. To Chris Mixon or other Dell insiders ... could this explain my two (730X 3.2 - oc'd 3.7 H2C 6 gig 280x1 300 x 10,000 HD) systems' random re-booting problem? SOme entires on this topic seem to describe random shutdown without the H2C option and with lower chips than the extreme one. I am pleased that Darrell had a good response to his home service ... we all are rooting for Dell to do well and support their products that we have purchased. Mr. Mixon ... can you confirm that Dell is investigating our complaints? ... finding confirmation of our problems  re- random shutdown? Hopefully, you have solved the issue and I can buy again. Please let me know. Thanks

62 Posts

January 13th, 2009 15:00

Yes, thanks Darrell it's nice to hear you have a Dell Gaming PC playing what a concept! Hey "pat51" give up on Chris_Mixon, he's MIA (missing in action) never heard another word from him since he asked for our Computer "TAG" numbers. I private messaged him and he replied once and only once! I don't think Dell has any use for us at this point since we sent our machines back for refunds! Oh well, still hoping but ready to buy another gaming computer from someone else local as soon as I see a refund in full from Dell!


Good Luck All! (I'm just about done with Dell)

141 Posts

January 14th, 2009 07:00

Darrell WV, Shoot me your service tag number in a private message.

All, we are discussing this issue in our weekly meeting as I write.

No Events found!
