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This post is more than 5 years old


June 6th, 2003 11:00

XPS-T Freezes

28K Posts

June 6th, 2003 12:00

If you are running Windows 98 or Windows ME, there are known problems with memory above 512 Mb.  See if the following helps solve the problem:


18 Posts

June 6th, 2003 12:00

I am running Windows 98, but I am not receiving any error messages. It just stops. Sometimes, when I use Alt-Cntl-Del I receive the message "program xxx is not responding. Choose Wait, Cancel, or Shut Down".

Mostly, however, it just stops.

It is a PIII 450 running 98.

18 Posts

June 6th, 2003 13:00

It references whatever program happended to be running. It ranges from Explorer/Netscape/Word/Excel/etc

I cant find a pattern - using the PC for a long time/short time or the specific program that has been running or who is using the computer.

Also, system resources seem to be running in the high 70% to low 80%. I dont know if thats related, but cant figure out what is using the resources either...

18 Posts

June 6th, 2003 13:00


Thanks - I'll give it a try, but I had this problem before I added the memory. Actually, I had hoped that adding the memory would resolve the issue. As far as I can tell, its made no differnce.

But I'll try!

250 Posts

June 6th, 2003 13:00

Does it usually reference the same program in that error message?  If so, what program is it?

28K Posts

June 6th, 2003 13:00

The fix in the article may still apply, even if the symptoms are not exactly the same.  Try setting the MaxFileCache setting in system.ini as per the workaround in the article, and see if that fixes the problem.


18 Posts

July 1st, 2003 19:00

More info to help solve the issue? I ran some of the Dell system monitors, and occasionally Kernal usage jumps to 100% is that normal. Also, are there other characteristics of usage (cache, memory, etc) that I could look at to figure out what is going on?

Thanks Again!!

18 Posts

July 1st, 2003 19:00

Yes it just seems to be spinning. I can hear the harddrive - I have done a disk check and defrag. Now (the past week or so), it seems to have a tough time starting. It begins to boot, and then stops for 1-2 minutes - and then it finishes the boot cycle. I'm really curious as to whether McAffee is the problem too!! I have heard that in the past, but Dell says "no".

And no, I do not have a burner. Are you suggeting that I should backup whats important and re-format?


11 Posts

July 1st, 2003 19:00

does it just seem like your computer is working really hard to do nothing?  Do you have  a burner?  Back up your files and reformat.  You'll be amazed how much nicer it works when you start clean and can organize a lot better.

11 Posts

July 2nd, 2003 17:00

yeah, thats basically what i mean.  Just get all your files you want, music, important documents, etc.  just starting new could do fix it, you'd be suprised.  If you have an old hard drive you could piggy back it as a slave, copy your files over to that hard drive and then reformat your primary drive then when you have your windows back on it transfer the files back over from your slave and then disconnect it. 

Good Luck.

18 Posts

September 8th, 2003 15:00

Believe it or not, it was Netscape 7.0! When I upgraded to 7.1, all of the problems vanished.

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