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March 22nd, 2016 14:00

Need Guidelines to Configure F5 Load Balancer in front of ECS

​Hi All,​

​I am after official documents, or if not available information/suggestions on the best way(s) to configure a F5 load balancer in front of our ECS appliance.​

​I need to support the following:​

    ​ ​
  • ​S3 Protocol ​
      ​ ​
    • ​Supporting generic S3 object enabled applications​
    • ​ ​
    • ​Supporting the EMC CloudArray appliances​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​Atmos Protocol ​
      ​ ​
    • ​This is to support CTA (as it is only qualified to use the Atmos protocol against ECS and not S3 protocol)​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​HTTP/HTTPS Administration ​
      ​ ​
    • ​This will be / should be straight forward being a standard load balance setup since LB was first used ​
        ​ ​
      • ​Just make the connection sticky to the node due to authentication?​
      • ​ ​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​
  • ​HTTP/HTTPS Restful API ​
      ​ ​
    • ​Again I think this should be no different from straight HTTP/HTTPS ​
        ​ ​
      • ​Just make the connection sticky to the node due to authentication?​
      • ​ ​
    • ​ ​
  • ​ ​

​Note that the customer has 2 sites with a ECS at each, and that we are replicating between site 1 (primary) and site 2 (secondary)​

​What is the best setup throught the F5's to provide a single VIP from the F5 (that will be configured into the upstream app, such as the CloudArray)​

    ​ ​
  • ​I was thinking that the F5 should prefer its connections to the ECS nodes at the primary site unless all nodes become unavailable then switch to using the secondary site. Rather than just distributing to nodes at both sites and having replication constantly flowing both directions between the two clusters.​
  • ​ ​

​Thanks in Advance​


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

June 20th, 2016 11:00

Hi All,

     I have attached a PowerPoint that demonstrates basic installation, configuration, and usage of F5 Network's BIGIP LTM Load Balancer with ECS. 


This demonstrates:

  1. Installation, licensing, and initial configuration of the trial version (11.x) of BIGIP LTM.  This is geared towards our lab environment so mileage.
  2. Creation of a custom health monitor in F5 that utilizes the ECS ping REST command to test if a node is both available and NOT in maintenance mode.
  3. Creation of an F5 Virtual Server that load balances HTTP based S3 traffic received on port 80 to port 9020 on ECS.
  4. Demonstrates setup and usage of client side SSL certificates for updating the virtual server to receive HTTPS based S3 traffic. 

     This is not intended to be a fully vetted best practices or configuration document but will a good place to start when getting up and running with F5's BIGIP LTM product with ECS.


2 Posts

June 2nd, 2016 12:00

Have you found any information on F5 configuration to load balance ECS nodes?

I am also looking and not getting any luck.

2 Posts

June 20th, 2016 12:00

Wow, this is great work!

I'll try this out and let you know how it goes!

June 21st, 2016 08:00

Would that custom response monitor work for Atmos nodes (as opposed to ECS)?

Or what would an Atmos equivalent be?

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

June 21st, 2016 13:00

Hi There.  I have not tested this against ATMOS

6 Posts

February 19th, 2018 06:00

Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I figured why recreate the question.  However, I do have a different spin.  I have read this document, and others.  I am going round and round with my network/F5 team over this implementation.  They do not want to put an ECS (the data interfaces in a network segregated setup) on a network "behind" the LTM (F5 becomes the default gateway).  They say the ECS data interfaces should be on whatever network and the F5 can be on whatever network and the F5 will SNAT.  I can't find a good answer if this is valid or not.  Any help is appreciated.

281 Posts

February 20th, 2018 08:00

Yes, having the F5 SNAT to ECS works just fine.  There's no need to make the F5 the default gateway.

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