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May 28th, 2019 05:00

iSCSI connection failures after KB4499177

​Heads up on KB4499177​

​We encountered an odd issue on some of our Win Server 2016 nodes, that connect to a PS4210 array, started this morning at about 3am.​

​Trying to connect to some volumes (but not necessarily /all/) on the array was reporting a "Target error", and found elsewhere reports about it being an authentication failure... Takes a while to try until it hits a timeout threshold.​

​Firmware is up to date on the array, and drivers/firmware on the hosts are also up to date.​
​Plentiful host reboots, nothing resolved it until...​

​Now uninstalled KB4499177 (2019-05 Cumulative Update) - rebooted - and wham, instant connectivity again. Have repeated the incident on a 2nd node in the Failover Cluster - same issue, same resolution.​

​So, possibly Dell related, but most presumedly MS led issue on this one.​
​Couldn't see anything relevant to this as a known issue in the KB.​

​Other error messages reported from Windows Event Viewer:​
​Cluster Shared Volume 'XYZ' ('XYZ') is no longer accessible from this cluster node because of error '(1460)'. Please troubleshoot this node's connectivity to the storage device and network connectivity.​

​Event 1: Unexpected failure. Error code: 48F@01000003​

​Event 43: Target failed to respond in time for a login request.​

​and from Group Manager:​
​iSCSI session to target 'XYZ from initiator 'XYZ' was closed. iSCSI initator connection failure. No response on connection for 6 seconds.​

​iSCSI login to target 'XYZ' from initiator 'XYZ' failed for the following reason:​
​Requested target not found.​

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

June 25th, 2019 11:00


 Thank you. There have been some reports of that KB causing issue.

Server 2016 -- KB4503294  

One that KB is removed, you can see one of the earlier know KBs installed causing the problem. 




1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

May 28th, 2019 07:00


 Thank you for posting this.  Support has been seeing cases of this since the release of that patch.

 It is definitely on the host side. 

 It was noticed that a new version of the MS iSCSI initiator file is included in that patch.   This could be related to the issue.  It's still being investigated.








  Did you open a support case with Dell? 



May 28th, 2019 07:00

Ah, to be fair I didn't dig into the actual changed files, but glad it's not just my specific environment, so I'm not alone! No support cases opened anywhere as of yet.

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

May 28th, 2019 09:00


No you are definitely not alone!   Not everyone is seeing the problem.  That's why I was curious about if you had open a case so they can gather the various logs.

it maybe a change to Registry key that's the issue.  So only some specific combinations seems to have the issue.



May 29th, 2019 11:00

I have been experiencing the exact same scenario. Uninstalling KB4499177 also resolved the problem for me.

I appreciate your post. I have been searching the past 24 hours to locate someone else experiencing and documenting the problem.

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

May 29th, 2019 12:00


 Glad it helped you. As more people apply this patch the calls into support are increasing.




May 29th, 2019 13:00

is Dell escalating this to Microsoft at all?

I haven't gone through that particular bundle of fun yet...

172 Posts

May 30th, 2019 05:00

I replied to someone on the technet forum who was having the same problem, an MS employee replied, and so I've asked if MS is working on a fix. My guess is that an official Dellster would get more attention.

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

May 30th, 2019 07:00


 It's being worked on behind the scenes. It's still early but appears not everyone installing that patch has an issue.  So if you do encounter it, creating a support case could prove helpful in triaging this issue.




1 Message

May 31st, 2019 12:00

We have the exact same issue, 2016 node, PS6000 array. After applying KB4499177 the iSCSI targets are stuck in a reconnecting state. We tried disconnecting, then manually reconnecting -- also received "Target Error". We also noticed that there is a significant delay when re-adding the "Target Portal" under "Discover Portal".

Once KB4499177 is uninstalled, the iSCSI targets connect normally.

3 Posts

May 31st, 2019 16:00

Same here you guys. Thank GOD I found this. After uninstalling the update, all iSCSi connections went back to normal. :(

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

June 1st, 2019 10:00


 Glad this helped you!  




1 Message

June 3rd, 2019 21:00

It appears to be more than the msiscsi.sys file. I tried restoring just this file.

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

June 3rd, 2019 23:00


 thank you, there were several files changed.  Also noted was not every one installing that patch has seen the issue. 



June 7th, 2019 12:00

I had exactly the same issue, equallogic drives randomly not available after the KB4499177 update, removed the update (thanks for the heads-up) and voila, drives came up. Had some other issues which got me looking at the switch, a Cisco 10GB. Did a show log and found the port the EQL was connected to kept going down then up again 5 to 10 seconds later. Long story short, the Cisco switch wasn't genuine, swapped it out, all is good now. Assuming the update messed with iScsi drop out timings, normally 15 seconds. Update now works on test server. will move solution into production and redo the update when I feel brave enough.


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