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1 Rookie


71 Posts


July 19th, 2022 22:00

PS6510 array does not match the version saved in battery-backed memory

I installed a CM with a SDCard from old Equallogic PS6510 CM I had. When I put the SAN, I get the following error:


The firmware version currently running on the array does not match the version saved in battery-backed memory.


Current version: Storage Array Firmware V9.1.2 (R440008)

Saved version: Storage Array Firmware V9.1.8 (R466123)


This situation can occur if the array experienced an abnormal shutdown during a firmware update. Contact your customer support provider for instructions on how to proceed.


This array has been halted.

You can safely power off the array or type any key to restart the array.



Please help to get this updated. I only have remote access to the array with serial. I can access the boot prompt. And I have access to the firmware. How can I update the sdcard remotely.




1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 14:00

OK, connect the serial port to the active CM on "new" 6510.  From here an 6510 reference means this new system that's going to be reset.  

  As soon as you see the CM start to boot press  CTRL-P      You will be at a CFE> prompt.    It might take a couple of tries to do it fast enough.

 At the CFE> prompt type: 

CFE> reload

 This will allow you to bypass the version error.   The 2nd command will reset the password for grpadmin back to 'grpadmin' 

 I have not tried to do these at the same time but it "should" work. 

 Once you login with grpadmin // grpadmin for password enter  "reset"    You will have to enter "DeleteAllMyDataNow" and it's case sensitive, to reset it back to factory defaults. 

 Good luck! 




1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 08:00


  You can't in your current status. The SD card from the old CM should have been installed in the new controller.  The cache from the last time it booted is 9.1.2.   That's what needs to be on the CM you are trying to use. 

 You need to get booted back on 9.1.2.  Then you can update the firmware.  

 Can you provide more information on how you go to this state?  Were you replacing a CM or upgrading FW? 




1 Rookie


71 Posts

July 20th, 2022 09:00


Does anyone know how to create the sd card with the firmware 9.1.2? 


I got the san without any controllers. Now I have time to work on it, so had a old san which was broken and pulled the controllers. Then I put that into this system.


My other san is using 9.1.8. None of my san are on 9.1.2. I do have the firmware for 9.1.2 but how can I put that into the sd card and format it needs.

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 10:00


 if you have an SD card with 9.1.2 on it you can duplicate it.  In Windows try WinDD or linux using dd command.   $dd if=   bs=512b of=FILENAME    

 Then you can write it back over a v9.1.8 SD card.  

 It's basically FAT16 filesystem, nothing fancy 



1 Rookie


71 Posts

July 20th, 2022 13:00

Sadly, I don't have any with 9.1.2. I only have 9.1.8. Can I downgrade my existing array to 9.1.2, but says group doesn't allow downgrades. How can I force downgrade to 9.1.2 and not reset the data.



1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 14:00


 You can't downgrade.  In your earlier post you wrote: "I do have the firmware for 9.1.2 but how can I put that into the sd card and format it needs."   

  What did you mean?  You have the firmware KIT for 9.1.2? 

  Let's back up a bit.  You have a 6510 that had NO controllers, and those drives have no data on them that you car about correct?    You had controllers either from a 6010 or another 6510 that you want to use in this "new" 6510.   Is that correct?  

 As long as you don't care about what data is on the "new" 6510 I may have a way to bypass the version error so you can boot.  Then you MUST reset that new array back to factory defaults.   Once that's done you will be able to boot up on 9.1.8 and set up that 6510. 

 You will need the serial cable connect to the active controller to do the work around. 

  Do I have the facts right? 




1 Rookie


71 Posts

July 20th, 2022 14:00

Hi Don,

That is correct. This new PS6510 has drives but we don't care about the data. We just need to be able to bypass the error, and get to do the update or reset it so that we can use this array. I have access to the equallogic site and can download firmwares for the PS Series. 


So the current SD Card in the CM is 9.1.8. How can we get this going?

1 Rookie


71 Posts

July 20th, 2022 14:00

amazing. I will try that.


Question for you. What firmware would the PS6510 would be at? 9.1.2 or 9.1.8?

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 14:00

Also, side note.  You may have "access" to the EQL support site.  But upgrading firmware on arrays that are NOT under a Dell Support contract, is illegal.   You agree to that when you download firmware.  it's displayed on the EULA you have to accept. 



1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 14:00


 The higher version is better.  Ideally of course would be 10.0.3, or at minimum 9.1.9.  


1 Rookie


71 Posts

July 20th, 2022 14:00

Since I can't downgrade. How can I re-create the sdcard (new one) from scratch, can't copy from another CM.

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 14:00

Please confirm the facts from my last reply and I might be able to help you get past this error. 


1 Rookie


71 Posts

July 20th, 2022 17:00

amazing it worked!!! 


Now I have 3 drives which have older firmware on the hard drives but I only have 2 of 3 power supply plugged into the array. Is there a way to force the firmware update on the hard drives so they all match?

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 17:00


 No.  Firmware updates can't be done while there is a hardware fault.  No bypass for that. 

 Glad that it worked!!  



1 Rookie


71 Posts

July 21st, 2022 09:00

Also. When we plug in 3 of the power supplies. How much power does it use. 2 is required to stay online but 3 has to be plugged into the array to power on. 


With 2 plugged in, does the 3 power supply take 7A on boot when I plug in the AC into it?

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