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December 8th, 2018 18:00

Inspiron 5676, WiFi card upgrade

Hey guys,

New dell owner here I decided to spring for a Inspiron 5676 during black Friday sales. The computing power is great, graphics card is pretty average but overall not a bad system. There is one huge issue with this PC. The wifi card is bad. I pay a lot for gigabyte internet in my home and currently I am not able to hard line in. This wifi card is pulling 50MB at best. I had several devices in the area to test their speed all 250MB+ I think this is a huge miss step in production. I paid good money for a machine that I now need to either need to buy an average USB adapter or pull open a machine and put a new card in all in a PC that I bought pre-built so I didn't need to go through this king of hassle. If anyone has a suggestion that will work better in this system I would appreciate the help.

7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

December 8th, 2018 19:00

Try turning off Smartbyte. Uninstall and disable it if SA reinstalls Smartbyte when you restart the system.

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