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3 Posts


January 19th, 2021 11:00

G5 5505 - Should I return

All:  I just purchased from the Dell Outlet a G5 5505 with the Ryzen 7 setup.  I got it last Saturday and promptly ran all driver updates for it.  It downloaded the newest BIOS and whatever else Dell suggested it needed.  Sunday it crashed on me twice while trying to launch Unreal Engine's launcher (black screen to Dell splash logo).  I then did some searches and went to AMD's site and downloaded the newest drivers for video and CPU.  Updated to "recommended" version since the newest version crashed while trying to implement it.  Unreal engine then launched... i was trying to download StarWars Battle front and during download system crashed to blue screen.  I then re-booted.  During these times I noticed I could not get Chrome to launch... but a restart would allow me to launch it.  So... yesterday I tried again and got Star Wars to launch.  My son played it for an hr or so with no crashes... it's in balance mode...

Now I can't get Google to launch.  When i look at task manager it shows no apps are running by tray shows Google, Epic games, AMD software, etc.. running in the background.  I tried a reset but still cant' get Google Chrome to launch.

I need to figure out what is creating issues or do I just send the darn thing back and get a credit?  Reading forums has me concerned with the overheating issues... and browsing this community isn't giving me must luck.  Looks like I could download Ryzen controller to try and help control the thermals but should this really be necessary?  My other laptop option was a Legion 5 setup... it didn't have the 144hz screen or as nice a video card.. but maybe I'm better off buying that and dropping the G5?  

Any comments is appreciated.  I'm sitting here with a laptop I want to use for 5-6 yrs and wondering if it would survive that long.



3 Posts

January 19th, 2021 11:00

My son is playing Starwars Battlefront and the CPU is at 100 degrees C.  This just seems way to hot.

54 Posts

January 19th, 2021 14:00

If you can, yes.

I have been testing and trying to get the machine to run stable and with acceptable thermals since ordering it. On paper nothing in its price comes even close to touching it. And some people testing it on some games also shows the POTENTIAL performance to match that. However I've not seen it.

The Driver packages are hit or miss, and updates are more often than not breaking and fixing issues in a tick-tock cycle. Its had 3 bios versions in only a few months, a Vbios update, etc.

Mine is currently sitting in Houston being "repaired" due to overheating issues, instability, black and blue screens, terrible DPC latency that renders it nearly impossible to use for online video or real time media management etc.

This computer, is in my limited usage so poor at its job, that I have decided to never give dell any more of my money. I have very very strong doubts that this machine can survive 5-6 years you are intending, much less the more than a decade I expect. ( I am typing this on a early 2008 macbook pro).

My particular example routinely was running above the stated TJmax from AMD (I saw on bios 1.3, 1.4.4, and 1.5 CPU temps that could settle at 106-110C, and spike to 130C or higher without shutdown as if the machine has no thermal protections).

My GPU was easily hitting 95C in games like doom 2016, and Dirt Rally 1.0. FPS would tank randomly from 150FPS to 60-80FPS with bad frame times and not recover until a reboot. Even just compiling software with no gpu load would push the CPU temps above tjmax.

Repasting did not help. Cutting the mesh from the bottom did not really help. Cooling pad? did not help. Limiting CPU performance by disabling turbo in windows power manager? did not help. Setting max fan profile in AWCC ? also did not help.

If this laptop were free, I would not use it. This is not a hyperbole on my part.



25.2K Posts

January 25th, 2021 05:00

Hi, as we have not heard back from you since our last interaction we will be archiving this case for now. Do reach back to us if you have any query. Regards, Akshatha

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