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This post is more than 5 years old


October 17th, 2016 11:00

Home Directory NTFS ACL

Hello All,

I am trying to understand how certain ACL are being set on a Home directory share set to be auto provision and auto create, with ACL inheretance turned on.

when a user is home directory is create it correctly inherits the ACL's from the parent folder but the problem i am seeing is that its also adding the everyone, domain users and the actuall user does not get full controll; has any one ran into this issue and have any idea on what needs to be tweaked to get the owner of the folder to also have full controll when its auto created?

here is the aoutput from ls -led:

2# ls -lde

drwxrwx--- +  3 SCRIPPS\147180b  SCRIPPS\domain users  50 Oct 14 16:48 .

OWNER: user:SCRIPPS\147180b

GROUP: group:SCRIPPS\domain users


0: user:SCRIPPS\147180b allow dir_gen_read,dir_gen_write,dir_gen_execute,std_write_dac,delete_child

1: group:SCRIPPS\domain users allow std_read_dac,std_synchronize,dir_read_attr

2: everyone allow std_read_dac,std_synchronize,dir_read_attr

3: group:Administrators allow inherited dir_gen_all,object_inherit,container_inherit,inherited_ace

thanks for any light you can shine.

252 Posts

October 18th, 2016 09:00

Hi hex666,

Without more information, it sounds like normal behavior depending on the configuration. There are a lot of configuration options though. I would recommend opening a ticket with support so they can do a webex and deep dive to get a better idea of why you are seeing this kind of behavior.

January 26th, 2021 09:00

Did you manage to resolve this issue at all as I'm getting a similar one?



6.9K Posts

January 26th, 2021 12:00

Hello Mr_Biscuits,

Which Isilon system do you have? What is the problem that you are experiencing with your ACL?

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