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This post is more than 5 years old


May 23rd, 2013 04:00

Testing tool NFS


I have a Isilon and a VNX Unified machine in my environment. I would like to startsome small tests in our NAS infrastructure and check how the different features of Isilon and VNX Unified impact the performance. The problem is that I don't have a clue what tool could I use for NFS testing. For block storage I have been using IOmeter but for NFS I need something else. I am really new into this topic so any guidance will help me a lot.

Thanks in advance!

49 Posts

May 23rd, 2013 06:00

WOuldn’t the same tool work for NFS as well? IOMeter needs a target, which can be either a local disk, a SAN connected disk or a share.

53 Posts

May 23rd, 2013 07:00

Yes, ok. But I was more thinking about testing specific NFS features such as: what is the performance when 100 clients are opening the file at the same time, or things like that.

22 Posts

May 23rd, 2013 12:00

We have used iozone and dbench for benchmarking NFS performance.

Iozone Filesystem Benchmark


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