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This post is more than 5 years old


August 1st, 2016 13:00



I have an XPS 15 9550 laptop with 4K screen. I installed the recently released BIOS update which is supposed to address the flickering screen issue. Previously I only ever experienced some minor intermittent flicker at brightness level 0 but after the update, flickering was occurring quite frequently - I checked this upto brightness level 50% and it occurs at all the way up.

It appears the update has made things much much worse Luckily I managed to roll back to A06 which must be the previous release as its the only one on the downloads page.

Anyone else find the update made things much worse?

Be good to know what Dell is doing to sort this out (again).

77 Posts

October 14th, 2016 11:00

it pretty much headache worthy if you use the latest intel drivers and BIOS...I wonder where we as consumers stand having purchased a product that develops problems due to manufacturers software releases and told of 'fixes' that don't materialise....I will tackle that hurdle very soon if its not sorted in the next update.

ideally a new model replacement.

October 14th, 2016 20:00

Here is the latest reply from dell, after I informed them about my findings with A06 vs A13 BIOS which I posted about here yesterday as well ---------------

Greetings from Dell. Thank you for your response.

We understand the system status and your concerns about the latest BIOS A 13 version. I shared your email with my supervisor, we and our product engineering team accept that the A 13 BIOS version for XPS 9550 is faulty.

We also understand how difficult it could be to use the system with full brightness all the time, apologies for the inconvenience caused with the product. We will ensure that the next BIOS release will not have any issues with it.

I've also took a snap shot of your email to escalate it to our product engineering team. I'm sure and even assure you that they (product engineering team) would be working on the fix while I'm typing this email. The ETA provided for the next BIOS release date is November 30th 2016, we kindly request you to give us time till then. We also request you to update the latest BIOS version on 30th November and check the system freezing issue.

For now, as a service ticket can't be inactive for too many days, I request your confirmation to close the current service ticket. If the freezing issue occurs even after 30th November, then we request you to reply back to any of my emails and I will take appropriate actions to satisfy you with your product. Kindly reply to this email and help me with the confirmation, if you’d like to talk to my supervisor then I can also be able to do it towards which we request you to provide us the best date and time to reach you.

The service request number for this interaction is . The case has been documented and the contents of this case are available to all Dell support representatives.

16 Posts

October 14th, 2016 23:00

Sounds like there is some action. But on the other hand, it also sounds like they want to close the ticket for the purposes of internal performance metrics e.g. it doesn't look good for them to have open tickets... especially for an extended period. If I'm correct, that should not be the customer's problem. I would expect them to keep the ticket open until it is fully resolved. My other concern is his or her understanding of the issue. I believe we are talking about the screen flickering, not freezing. Hopefully they got that right.

October 19th, 2016 19:00

Does anyone have a new XPS 15 Touch that does NOT have this flickering issue using the latest version of BIOS? Dell sent me a replacement laptop as it was flickering out of the box - but it looks like the second replacement laptop also has the problem. Sigh.

8 Posts

October 21st, 2016 14:00

Dell XPS 15 Flikergate is officially here... only fix for now is rollback to A06 BIOS version

15 Posts

October 22nd, 2016 05:00

Yup, have the issue too, but only when on battery. It is an intermittent 'wink', on average about every 10 seconds. Highly irritating. Deciding whether to roll back the bios or to just put up with it until Dell brings out an update.

October 24th, 2016 11:00

just update NVidia driver, it works

15 Posts

October 25th, 2016 03:00

If only it was that simple

6 Posts

October 26th, 2016 14:00

Does nVidia drivers update reduces this screen flickering at all? I believe only bios version changes this behavior.

October 26th, 2016 14:00

BIOS version is 1.2.14

NVidia driver version 375.63

The problem persist

October 26th, 2016 14:00

Don't work perfectly. The effect is lowest, but the problem still remains.

October 26th, 2016 15:00

I know if I sold this laptop, I would lose significant value at the moment....

1 Message

October 28th, 2016 04:00

I just tried BIOS 1.2.14.

Had the flicker. It's very "subtle" but still very visible and disturbing.

Reverted back to BIOS 1.2.0.

3 Posts

October 28th, 2016 14:00

As I got my brand new 9550, I have updated the BIOS to the last version (1.2.14 A13) and the Intel HD Graphics 530 video card driver, version I also have the screen flickering and would like to try the driver version 4331. I did uninstall the 4483 but could get to the 4331. Nor I could find it on the Intel website. Can anyone tell me where I can find this diver?

380 Posts

October 29th, 2016 00:00

Go to the Dell Support site for your 9550. Click on the "Video" section. and under the "Intel Graphics 530/P530 driver" you will see an "Other versions" link. Click that and it should list the 4331 as one of the options.


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