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This post is more than 5 years old


62 Posts


August 4th, 2005 22:00

COM Port on Inspiron 6000

​ Does the Inspiron 6000 have an external COM port???? ​

11.9K Posts

August 4th, 2005 22:00

@hxman wrote:
That's what I thought.......... Do they sell any type of USB to COM port conversion cables or anything.... I need to be able to connect via a terminal to various Switches and UNIX boxes via a null modem cable, etc.... lol
Amazon, CompUSA, ...  Type in USB SERIAL

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

August 4th, 2005 22:00

No; USB only.

62 Posts

August 4th, 2005 22:00

That's what I thought.......... Do they sell any type of USB to COM port conversion cables or anything.... I need to be able to connect via a terminal to various Switches and UNIX boxes via a null modem cable, etc.... lol

Message Edited by hxman on 08-04-2005 06:22 PM

11.9K Posts

August 4th, 2005 22:00

@hxman wrote:

Now when it's connected to the USB port, will the USB port act like a serial port as seen from a terminal program..........

For example, the connection method via my terminal program has Serial, if that is selected will it work? I would assume yes....

That's the idea.  Depends on your program.  Make sure you buy it with a good return policy.

62 Posts

August 4th, 2005 22:00

Now when it's connected to the USB port, will the USB port act like a serial port as seen from a terminal program..........

For example, the connection method via my terminal program has Serial, if that is selected will it work? I would assume yes....

7.9K Posts

August 5th, 2005 03:00

I've seen people have mixed results with the USB products -- I'm not sure if a PC-Card based solution would work better or not?

122 Posts

August 6th, 2005 00:00

I have used a number of USB to RS232 adapters and in general they seem to work (one gave very slow throughput when compared to a real COM port on my previous laptop). One annoying feature is that most seem not to implemement a USB serial number which means that if you plug the cable into a different USB port on the laptop, Windows XP detects it as a new COM port rather than the same one that has moved. My laptop is now up to COM9 or COM10 as I have used two brands of USB to RS232 adapters and have not always used the same USB socket...

FTDI chip based adapters seem to work well - have a look at

7.9K Posts

August 6th, 2005 03:00

i hate USB devices that require a reinstall each time i accidentally move them
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