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This post is more than 5 years old


1 Rookie


278 Posts


October 27th, 2012 09:00

Cypress Touchpad driver XPS 15z Windows 8 (Workaround Solution)

Where is the Windows 8 Cypress TrackPad Driver for the XPS 15z?

Problem: Before upgrading to Windows 8 the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant would of forced you to removed the Cypress TrackPad Software and Driver before upgrading. After upgrading your XPS 15z to Windows 8, you will then notice that there is no Cypress TrackPad Driver on the Dell Drivers and Downloads Site for the XPS 15z under the Windows 8 section. Instead there is only a Windows 7 Driver.

Dell have quietly marked the A06 Version of the Cypress TrackPad driver as Windows 8 compatible but trying to install the A06 Cypress TrackPad Driver normally will give you a incompatibility error like the one below, this is due to the Setup.exe file. A workaround to solve this problem is to perform a manual install of the Cypress TrackPad driver by following the instructions in the answer thread below (see link

This is what will be displayed if you try to install the A06 Cypress TrackPad Driver on the XPS 15z through its normal Setup.exe. The error is slightly misleading as the driver itself works under Windows 8, but for whatever reason Windows 8 identifies the software installer as incompatible and blocks the installation.

To get around this, you can bypass the normal Setup Executable and install the driver and software manually:

Note: The Windows 7 Driver is listed Windows 8 compatible you can confirm this by checking the driver details and clicking the compatibility tab. The issue being Windows 8 will block the normal Cypress Setup.exe from running due to its software incompatibility checks, this is slightly misleading as the driver itself is completely functional under Windows 8. This issue has been reported to Dell and hopefully will be corrected soon.

If this solution worked for other XPS 15z owners let me know by replying to the thread! If you have any problems or questions feel free to respond to the thread.

3 Posts

October 30th, 2012 08:00

Thanks James2 :)

1 Rookie


278 Posts

October 30th, 2012 11:00

No problem! Glad the workaround is working for you guys!

1 Rookie


278 Posts

October 30th, 2012 12:00

Dell has certified the Windows 7 Cypress Touchpad driver as Windows 8 compatible. You can check this by going to the driver details of the A06 Driver page and looking at the compatibility section.

The minor issue with the Cypress Setup.exe will hopefully be corrected soon.

76 Posts

October 30th, 2012 17:00

I am curious if anyone has tried the 15z cypress drivers A05 ( on Win8.

These are the last drivers that actually disable the touchpad if a BT mouse is synced and active. (I have not yet found a synaptics driver that does not.......cypress is wayyy behind on this feature too.)

Cypress driver2.5.0.52 in Win 7 does not properly disable the touchpad, although it is better in scrolling and power use. But I prefer to be able to switch from touchpad to mouse when needed and not worry about palm interference.

1 Rookie


278 Posts

October 31st, 2012 01:00

While the driver version is older, you should be able to use the same manual install method to install the older driver if anyone feels like playing test pilot. I only use a wireless USB mouse so I can't test it out.

9 Posts

November 2nd, 2012 10:00

thanks.  This worked for my 15z.  I have all trackpad functions back after the upgrade to Windows 8.

November 4th, 2012 06:00

James2k, you are a hero among men.  Props to you and your wonderful workaround.  And nuts to Dell and Cypress for leaving their customers high and dry WITH NOT SO MUCH AS A HINT AS TO HOW TO GET THEIR ALLEGEDLY PREMIUM LAPTOP TO WORK WITH WINDOWS 8.  Great work.  I'll be sure to go with another vendor next time.

2 Posts

November 6th, 2012 22:00


I tried the manually install but when I tried it, it would still say its not compatible and to contact the manufacturer. I'm running everything as admin but still not results. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



1 Rookie


278 Posts

November 7th, 2012 00:00

You should not get any compatibility error when running the driver files manually. The Setup.exe is what triggers incompatibility errors. It is normal to get the incompatibility error when running the extractor as after extraction the Setup.exe is automatically run. At this point you can ignore the error and proceed to the driver extraction path of C:\DELL\Drivers\19VRK\Cypress for the manual install.

If that doesn't solve the issue, report back with more information, at what point to did you see this error etc?

2 Posts

November 7th, 2012 12:00

I figured out the issue, it was a silly mistake by myself. I accidentally installed 32-bit instead of 64-bit. Working fine now, thanks for the help!

1 Rookie


278 Posts

November 8th, 2012 07:00

Sorry I'm not sure what problem you are stating?

The touchpad will only disable itself if the setting of "Disable when USB mouse is present" is enabled. According to another community member it does not work with Bluetooth mice. It apparently worked in an older driver version but I can't confirm as I don't have a Bluetooth mouse to test. You can of course always disable the touchpad via the settings menu.

To Disable the touchpad manually:

Control Panel > Mouse > Cypress TrackPad

Click to Change Cypress TrackPad Settings (the link)

You can then toggle the TrackPad Enable/Disable radio button

Click Apply then OK.

If your palm keeps hitting the touchpad causing jerky mouse movements, you can enable palm rejection.

Enable Palm Rejection:

Same instructions as above except:

Select Palm Rejection, tick the enable box and customise the sensitivity to define what level of palm pressure is rejected by the touchpad.

Disable Touchpad while using a USB Mouse:

Same instructions as the disable manual touchpad option except at the button there will be a checkbox for "Disable TrackPad when USB mouse is present."

Again this option has been reported NOT to work for Bluetooth mice. If that's your issue, bring it up with Dell as that's purely a driver issue.

November 8th, 2012 07:00


When I try and run the

  • install_cyhid_x64.bat
  • install_cykbfltr_x64.bat
  • install_cymfltr_x64.bat

files I get a command line window with each



C:\Drivers\Touchpad_Cypr>msiexec /qn /i cyhidmsi.msi

Press any key to continue . . .


I hit enter and get returned back to my desktop.

After that I tried installing

  • cykbfltr.inf
  • cymfltr.inf

and get the message that I need to restart my computer.


Any suggestions.  Not being able to turn my trackpad off is really bothering my.  My hands brush it when I type and the cursor skips all over the page.

I've resorted to using a Bluetooth keyboard until I can get this fixed.





November 8th, 2012 08:00


Thanks for the quick response.  I should have been more clear what I was using the Bluetooth keyboard for.

I want to turn my trackpad off at all times.  My hands touch it when I'm typing and would prefer to just use a mouse to prevent it from happening.

After following the directions posted to install with the errors I noted I do not have the Cypress TrackPad installed in control panels.

I would disable the trackpad completely if that were an option that I could turn back on but I cannot get the driver or other files to install given the instructions supplied.

I know at least one person has had success so it would imply that I'm doing something wrong.  Just to note I did try to install the 64bit version as that's the version of Windows I have.

1 Rookie


278 Posts

November 8th, 2012 08:00

It seems the driver install hasn't gone right, after rebooting the Cypress Touchpad software should be present. You should have a Touchpad tray icon in the system icon tray and/or the TrackPad Settings menu within Control Panel > Mouse.

To confirm, you are trying to install the version linked in the answer thread?

November 8th, 2012 09:00

Yea, I have, I followed the instructions and downloaded the driver from

then clicked download, A06

and followed the instructions but you can see my errors in my first post.

No Events found!
