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This post is more than 5 years old


September 22nd, 2013 03:00

dell inspiron 1545 can any parts be upgraded?

looking at doing a factory reset then wondering if any of the hard ware can be upgraded to make it faster more powerful?

i have a spare inspiron 1570 is any of the parts can be transfered?

or what can be done to it?

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

September 22nd, 2013 03:00

On the 1545, the RAM (if you have less than 8G) and hard drive can be upgraded.  The CPU is removeable, but upgrading the CPU rarely makes sense economically. 

The only part from the 1570 (15z) that can be used in the 1545 is the hard drive.  The RAM is a different type and the CPU is soldered in - not socketed.

Neither system can be upgraded video-wise.

5 Posts

September 22nd, 2013 04:00

will ugrading the ram really make much of a difference? its got 3gb. my sony vaio had 4gb and now has 12 and I struggle to see any difference?

is the cpu pushed in on the 1545? and what cpu would be a good upgrade? I just want the laptop to be a little quicker. you said the hard drive can be changed over. does that mean it just has a bit more storage space? any other advantages?

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

September 22nd, 2013 07:00

Adding RAM won't do much for speed.  Neither will any CPU upgrade you can use.

The single most effective upgrade you can do is to replace the hard drive with a solid state drive (or, if you need more space, but are willing to accept less of a boost, a hybrid drive).

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