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This post is more than 5 years old


November 24th, 2009 17:00

DELL Studio XPS 16 1645 i7 power problem

Update 4 (2/13/2010):

Bios A07 shows a significant improvement with the 130w charger.

There is still throttling that need to be analyzed, most likely this throttling is a machine limitation.

For now, the system is able to run near the advertised specs.

Please post your experience with the updated BIOS.

Update 3:

Dell is finally listening, they are replacing the 90 watt charger with a 130 watt slim charger with a promise of a BIOS fix version A07 that is promised to fix the problem.

Will update upon the testing of the BIOS.

here is how to place a replacement request in USA and Canada

Update 2

DELL thinks a BIOS release will fix the problem and is working on it now.

ALL the people who performed all kind of testing in NBR assures the engineers at DELL that a BIOS fix will not fix the problem completely without the use of a charger of higher power. Using Throttlestop the system was able to consume 110-120 watts under load.

Some people will accept a BIOS that throttle up to the maximum power of the charger used so for a 90 watts charger the system throttles at 90 watts, for a 130 watts, it throttles at 130 watts.

Some people are planning a class action browse the thread for more information.


Here is our group findings so far

1. The power conservative BIOS forces the system to throttle to 7x when the power consumption is around 90 watts due to one or more of the following reasons:

           a. Limitation of the power supply capability

           b. Limitation of the motherboard to accept more than 90 watts (This reason is from DELL, but we suspect it)

           c. To increase the battery life

           d. To limit heat generation

obviously DELL should be blamed for poor design if it is a, b, or d.

2. Thanks to unclewebb there is a software now to unlock the throttle, this one will almost certainly put the 90 watt charger to rest or fire.

3. Due to the power limitation, it looks like the people with the RGBLED are most affected by the problem due to the added power consumption.

4. DELL is aware of the problem, but according to them it only affects a small percentage of people that put the system on full performance.

5. DELL keeps saying that the 130 watts adapter is not the solution of the problem, which is quite true as it needs both an adapter and BIOS update.

6. After a long wait, DELL acknowledged that there is a problem and that they will address it soon without announcing a time frame.

7. We as a group lack the trust in DELL fixing the problem to our satisfaction.

I think most of our group will agree on the above.

With all the above said, i am quite happy that mine was returned back to DELL after a frustrating experience with DELL level 1, 2, and 3 technical support. This doesn't represent the other members as most of them are happy with their notebook but expect action from DELL.


We are among the first to receive our DELL studio XPS 16 1645 with i7. We have some benchmark results that strongly suggest that the equipped 90W charger is not providing enough power to the system. To summarize, the performance of the system is correlated to the brightness of the monitor which suggests that the power provided is not enough so when the monitor is dimmed it allows more power to be consumed by the system. Here is some findings:

Here is the findings, if you stress the laptop using 3Dmark06 the performance is correlated to the brightness of the screen, here is the findings
Full brightness: 5003 3DMark '06
SM2.0: 1664
SM3.0: 2189
CPU: 2568

Lowest brightness: 5405 3DMark '06
SM3.0: 2326
CPU: 2785

To further see the effect of the power consumption, i ran Crysis benchmark for two cases with one difference, the power source battery and minimum brightness vs charger and maximum brightness. I used the exact same settings for power plan (High performance and optimize performance for powerplay)

On Charger, Battery full, maximum brightness

Run #1- DX10 1024x768 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: Low ~~ Last Average FPS: 68.75

Run #2- DX10 1024x768 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: Medium ~~ Last Average FPS: 30.24

Run #3- DX10 1024x768 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Last Average FPS: 20.38

On Battery, minimum brightness

Run #1- DX10 1024x768 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: Low ~~ Last Average FPS: 80.31

Run #2- DX10 1024x768 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: Medium ~~ Last Average FPS: 50.93

Run #3- DX10 1024x768 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Last Average FPS: 29.50

To further test the claim that the power is not enough, an external monitor is connected and to our surprise the system showed its muscles with best performance.

The correlation to the between the brightness and performance, and the heat generated from the charger strongly suggested that the charger is not providing enough power under full load.

It will be a shame if the power adapter is not adequate specially after the whole mess of delaying orders.


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 7th, 2010 05:00

great Idea ! but do you want change your laptop in a toaster? :emotion-1:

25 Posts

February 7th, 2010 17:00

[quote user="greenage4202"]

been following this thread for a while now and from what I've read it looks like they're working on logistics of dealing with the large number of 130W adapters they will need to provide. I'm with you though Baldip, It doesn't seem like they should wait until the new bios is complete as there will most definately be a long line for those adapters and knowing dell they will run out.I do have faith in this fix though simply because of all the impressive work done by the geeks at home. this fix is in line with what the community has called for...AMAZING! Thanks to you guys we will get what we've paid for!!!


The system will not correctly utilize a 130w adapter until the BIOS revision that is in testing right now is released.   While the systems will recognize the different adapter sizes the larger adapters won't have any effect until the BIOS is written to handle them.



Will this new BIOS be applicable to any 1645 system configuration, whether it's has a WLED or RGBLED, i7 720 or 820, etc?

1 Message

February 7th, 2010 23:00

3 days ago i ordered a sxps16 w/ the i7 820 and 8gb of ram just to now find out about this problem. since i will be using this machine for some gaming i was wondering if any of you think dell will let me cancel the order because of the problem and instead pay a little more and go for the m15x? any information or feedback would be very much appreciated.

February 8th, 2010 03:00

Todd, this seems a little awry to me. Stand it on its head. You're not going to send the adaptors out until the new BIOS is ready. So what happens?

(i) the new BIOS is finally ready.

(ii) everyone wants to use it. But now everybody has to wait for their adaptor. Huge pent-up demand, rush, rush, rush.

(iii) instead of a steady release as of now.



(a) there's no harm in using a 130w adaptor now, even though the current BIOS can't utilise it.

(b) we can anyway use ThrottleStop in the meantime.

(c) you, or one of your colleagues, is reported as saying that the 90w adaptor would get very hot (and since it gets very hot now, we'd no doubt  have to up that to very hot indeed) on the new BIOS.

(d) and you think people aren't going to be impatient to try it, especially if getting the new adaptor involves a long further wait?

Please think about this. It would make more sense (except that it's totally impracticable) to say that you will hold off on the revised BIOS until everyone has their 130w adaptor safely installed; not the other way round, as you are doing.

So, please, don't wait for the BIOS to be ready; get that adaptor replacement program in place as soon as you possibly can.


5 Posts

February 8th, 2010 03:00

3 days ago i ordered a sxps16 w/ the i7 820 and 8gb of ram just to now find out about this problem. since i will be using this machine for some gaming i was wondering if any of you think dell will let me cancel the order because of the problem and instead pay a little more and go for the m15x? any information or feedback would be very much appreciated.

Two facts:

1. This problem is going to be fixed relatively soon. No timeframe, but facts are that the new BIOS is in testing phase.

2. Alienware M15X suffers from throttling as well.

My opinion: definitely keep this laptop.

1.8K Posts

February 8th, 2010 05:00


So, please, don't wait for the BIOS to be ready; get that adaptor replacement program in place as soon as you possibly can.


We are getting the program in place as quickly as possible but there are logistics issues involved as well.   We have to confirm not only that we have sufficient inventory in place to send out but that when we do begin sending these out that we have sufficient inventory in place to meet warranty replacement needs for our customers. Plus, we need to confirm that the vendors can ramp up to meet increased demand for the adapters not only short term but long term as well.

There are a lot of concerns that aren't apparent at first glance when doing something like this.  It's easy to say "just ship them out" but in reality its not that simple.  Setting a target date of beginning to ship these out around the time of the BIOS release gives us time frames to work with to set up the program.


1.8K Posts

February 8th, 2010 07:00


Besides the 90W adapter came with my 1645, I also purchased a spare adapter (90W) to use at home/outside, I called local dell regarding the replacement of 90W adapter last Friday.

Today I received a call from Dell, they confirmed will ship a 130W adapter for me, but did not mention will I get the 90W as a compensation. 

But the gentlemen said he cannot guarantee that I will get replacement for the additional spare adapter that I purchased, it will up to the sales department to decide. I did offer to pay the additional fee if there is any to get the 130W adapter, he advice me wait when the replacement is official and then he will try help me to escalate the issue (spare adapter) to the sales department, I may have to call again with them, but he will help with no guarantee.

 I hope the sales department can make the replacement of my additional spare adapter a painless one.


Again, I want to reiterate that the program to swap out adapters is not yet officially in place.   Calling tech support at this point won't get you the correct answers because they don't have official notice of what is going to be happening.   Because, quite simply, what is going to happen hasn't been fully decided upon yet.   The process and decisions on specifics are still being discussed.  

And, unless your order hasn't been shipped yet then Sales wouldn't have anything to do with replacing it.   (If you needed to cancel an order that hasn't been fulfilled, yes you would go through sales to place the replacement order.)  But if that order has shipped then it would be Customer Care, not Sales, that would replace it.  Or set up a return and allow you to order the adapter you choose.   Again, those specifics on how additonal orders will be handled has not been decided.

17 Posts

February 8th, 2010 07:00


Besides the 90W adapter came with my 1645, I also purchased a spare adapter (90W) to use at home/outside, I called local dell regarding the replacement of 90W adapter last Friday.

Today I received a call from Dell, they confirmed will ship a 130W adapter for me, but did not mention will I get the 90W as a compensation. 

But the gentlemen said he cannot guarantee that I will get replacement for the additional spare adapter that I purchased, it will up to the sales department to decide. I did offer to pay the additional fee if there is any to get the 130W adapter, he advice me wait when the replacement is official and then he will try help me to escalate the issue (spare adapter) to the sales department, I may have to call again with them, but he will help with no guarantee.

 I hope the sales department can make the replacement of my additional spare adapter a painless one.

25 Posts

February 8th, 2010 08:00

[quote user="DELL-Todd S"]

[quote user="greenage4202"]

been following this thread for a while now and from what I've read it looks like they're working on logistics of dealing with the large number of 130W adapters they will need to provide. I'm with you though Baldip, It doesn't seem like they should wait until the new bios is complete as there will most definately be a long line for those adapters and knowing dell they will run out.I do have faith in this fix though simply because of all the impressive work done by the geeks at home. this fix is in line with what the community has called for...AMAZING! Thanks to you guys we will get what we've paid for!!!


The system will not correctly utilize a 130w adapter until the BIOS revision that is in testing right now is released.   While the systems will recognize the different adapter sizes the larger adapters won't have any effect until the BIOS is written to handle them.




Will this new BIOS be applicable to any 1645 system configuration, whether it's has a WLED or RGBLED, i7 720 or 820, etc?


Hi Todd, i know my english is kinda poor, but could you answer to my question about the A07 bios? will the new bios fix the throttle issue for all 1645 configurations? im worried that your engineer might overlook other configurations. (that the new bios will only fix the throttle issue for some specific configuration - e.g RGBLED screens) Thanks.

1.8K Posts

February 8th, 2010 11:00

Hi Todd, i know my english is kinda poor, but could you answer to my question about the A07 bios? will the new bios fix the throttle issue for all 1645 configurations? im worried that your engineer might overlook other configurations. (that the new bios will only fix the throttle issue for some specific configuration - e.g RGBLED screens) Thanks.

The A07 bios should work for all configurations of this model.  There will not be differing BIOS versions for different configurations.

1 Message

February 8th, 2010 11:00


Quick question, do I need to apply for the 130w adaptor or are they going to be sent out automatically to everyone who purchased a XPS 1645?

Also, are there any reports of faulty 90w adaptors? Mine appears to get excessively hot. I understand that laptops and their adaptors get hot but this is ridiculously hot, its too hot to touch and i'm sure it was weakening a part of the power cable it was resting on.



February 8th, 2010 14:00

It's easy to say "just ship them out" but in reality its not that simple.

Which might be why someone with my years of manufacturing and logistics experience didn't actually say that, might you think?   :-)




1.8K Posts

February 8th, 2010 14:00

Bill posted an update over on NBR forums that I thought you would like to see.

Holy Shnikeys!! The pace has just picked up, and in a big way. The release date of the BIOS has been pushed up significantly. I'm waiting for final confirmation on whether we can go public with the date. I am in a meeting now, but as soon as I get out, I will clear my PM box and start a new thread for handling adapter shipments.

Folks, this is important: Be advised that due to the recent acceleration, the parts planners have likely not had time to get supply on hand for all Studio XPS 1645's in the field. We had notified them last week, but they needed approximately 2 weeks to ramp up. So, please be patient. Our hearts are in the right place.

25 Posts

February 8th, 2010 16:00

[quote user="aolee"]

Hi Todd, i know my english is kinda poor, but could you answer to my question about the A07 bios? will the new bios fix the throttle issue for all 1645 configurations? im worried that your engineer might overlook other configurations. (that the new bios will only fix the throttle issue for some specific configuration - e.g RGBLED screens) Thanks.

The A07 bios should work for all configurations of this model.  There will not be differing BIOS versions for different configurations.


Thanks todd, im still using an A01 bios as im afraid that the A03 and A05 is a buggy bios. will there be a problem if i will upgrade directly to A07 once it's launch? or is there a sequence or step i need to do for upgrading to A07? (e.g Flash A05 first then followed by A07) Thanks

17 Posts

February 8th, 2010 17:00

Again, I want to reiterate that the program to swap out adapters is not yet officially in place.   Calling tech support at this point won't get you the correct answers because they don't have official notice of what is going to be happening.   Because, quite simply, what is going to happen hasn't been fully decided upon yet.   The process and decisions on specifics are still being discussed.  

And, unless your order hasn't been shipped yet then Sales wouldn't have anything to do with replacing it.   (If you needed to cancel an order that hasn't been fulfilled, yes you would go through sales to place the replacement order.)  But if that order has shipped then it would be Customer Care, not Sales, that would replace it.  Or set up a return and allow you to order the adapter you choose.   Again, those specifics on how additonal orders will be handled has not been decided.

Thanks Todd, I will wait till the confirmation, anyway Bill has also responded me over in NBR

This is the kind of situation we will cover on the thread in comments when we start the conversation about AC adapter replacements, which will happen when we are closer to the release date of the BIOS and adapter program.

I can personally make sure you get a 130W slim for each 90W slim you purchased with no items to return.



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