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This post is more than 5 years old


1 Message


February 4th, 2008 14:00

Display problem on Vostro 1000

I ordered 2 laptops for our business early Novemember (Vostro 1500 and 1000). The 1000 was supposed to be a replacement for my boss' old laptop so I spent some time working with it moving files over and installing software he needed and then it just sat around in my appartment for a few weeks before he finally made the switch. I had this problem come up a few times while working on it myself, but it seemed to stop a few weeks before my boss finally started using it. Now the problem seems to be constant with the screen.

The problem is that about 2" on the bottom of the screen is completely cut off by a white (some times black or a mix) bar. This makes it impossible to access the toolbar at the bottom as well work some of the programs we use. I've tried changing/reseting the resolution and framerate, but neither have worked. Is there any easy solution to this or do I need to send the laptop back to Dell?

14 Posts

February 11th, 2008 16:00

Is the bar there before windows boots?
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