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This post is more than 5 years old


21 Posts


December 16th, 2006 13:00

I have a Q

​ I know this Q doesn't related to this fourm but I don't know where I write it ​
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​ my Q is: my laptop has a screen problem ans I mention it previously in this fourm. As the Dell company here said ( everything inside the laptop has changed ) but I still have the problem!!!!!!! so I diceded to ask them to change my laptop or give me my money back!! they said to me we don't have this service (changing the laptop) here ( in the middle east) to ba frank I don't believe them and also I don't believe that they change everything inside the laptop!!!! ​
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​ they took my laptop 3 times and the problem still there!!!! why they did that?? did they think that by doing this customers will be happy to buy anything from them!!!!! ​
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​ frankly, you have to do anything to solve this problem!!! SORRY to said that for you but it is totally unfair my laptop is less than 1 year and I don't know what can I do?! ​
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​ Can I change my laptop???? do you have this service or I kill myself in order for you to be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ​
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37 Posts

December 17th, 2006 01:00

You cant call customer care because this is a tech support issue and anyway they would transfer you to tech support anyway. You will have to call Dell Tech support. Be sure to have your service tag which is an alpha numeric number that is located on the bottom of your notebook computer.
Go to this site and go to the country you reside in. Then go to contacts, usually located top right coner. You should be able to locate several numbers to contact someone that can resolve the issue for you. Be sure to have all the info that has been done on your system, just in case they want to play dumb, but it should be on your account. And go on from there.

21 Posts

December 17th, 2006 08:00

I call them first I said for them about my problem did you what they said?! (( it is your problem not our's)) it's really unfair for me to be in this situation!!
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