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This post is more than 5 years old


August 1st, 2016 00:00

Inspirion N7110 safe mode?

Hello everyone I have a Problem. My Hard drive crashed and i would like to factory reset it. It is stuck on the windows 10 screen "Repairing disk errors. This might take over an hour to complete."  this occers right after the Dell logo screen. I have f2 and f12. I can not do much with that. I read online that f8 starts it up in safemode but i can not get it there. Any help?

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87.5K Posts

August 1st, 2016 07:00

The way to start 10 in safe mode is to hold the shift key while the system restarts.  That said, it sounds like the drive is physically damaged - press F12 a few times at powerup, enter the Dell diagnostics from the boot menu and run an extended hard drive test.  You're likely to find the drive has failed.

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