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May 29th, 2009 01:00

Inspiron E1505 Graphics card-Battery question-bios Question

My sister has a E1505 laptop that has the intel 945 video. Is that a intergrated card on the MB or is it a removable card able to be replaced or upgraded? She started to have probs with it recently (the video) and in the System hardware it show WHAT it is but ,the 945 intel, but when you open the driver details it show a code 37 which is SUPPOSDLY "hardware not conected" issue? if it's intergrated into the MB I assume that the video is fried?

And about the battery, it flashes 3-5 orange lights and one green,that mean the battery is shot too? Before it didn't show any light for the battery. And as for the BIOS, is there anyway to flash it WITHOUT the battery?THe BIOS says battery at 70% and charging normaly but thenif I shut it off and check it again it say battery charged 70% and needs to be repalce but charging ok?? ALso it says it don't recognise the charger but it's the one that came with the laptop!!??

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

May 29th, 2009 04:00

The Intel video is integrated and neither removeable nor replaceable.

The flashing LED on the battery means that one or more cells in it has gone bad. 

DO NOT flash the BIOS without a fully charged, working battery - particularly in light of the failure to recognize the AC adapter.  If the power is interrupted during the flash, you will then have to replace the mainboard.  However, you may wind up with that need anyway - the failure to recognize the adapter COULD be an adapter issue (at $35, it's worth trying before committing to a $350+ mainboard), but is more often caused by a faulty power jack - which means a $150-200 repair on the board, or a new board at $350+ labor.


May 29th, 2009 05:00

I was worried about that..the video.Going to do a full re-install of XP later, my sis got some kinda but and her entire computer has gone wonky! HOPYFULLY it's jst a software issue. But the battery and adaptor. I can fix that cept for to say  to get new ones!

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