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This post is more than 5 years old


October 14th, 2011 17:00

Intel Rapid Start Technology

Updated to BIOS A06.

Tried to install the iRST software and receive a message statting my hardware does not support this program.

What's up Dell?


19 Posts

October 19th, 2011 18:00

Success! Thank's Terry. Now for some benchmarking.

8 Posts

October 20th, 2011 02:00


my conclusions.

suspended after 9 hours, has consumed 20% of the battery. To me, it's excessive consumption. something should not be working well.

According videos intel on this technology, works by removing the battery.

 in the xps 15z this is impossible, but it should go. has disappeared hibernate option, and I think that's the problem. in the video seems to turn it off or hibernate, not suspended.

can anyone confirm this? or extend the information?

8 Posts

October 20th, 2011 03:00


here is the solution for me. and works perfect.

After install the iRST the hibernate option it's disbled. only the suspend function it's possible. well the solution it's in bios.

the steps:

1.    enter in bios:

2.    in advanced, select iRST.

3.    enable iRST, if no enabled :)

4.    select 2Entry on S3 RTC wake and enable it.

5.    new option appears. "entry after" select it, and select how many time that you want  that the technology start. this                time it's the time that the system will be in suspend mode before entry in "iRST hybernation"

6.    Save the changes and exit.

7.    Enjoy the new feature.

The system start in 4 o 5 second,

sorry for my english.

76 Posts

October 20th, 2011 05:00

Thanks to Terry for the spot on instructions!!

And thanks for the other feedback in this forum - has been very helpful.


For my system, after 9 hours, 8% battery used (100 to 92%). But with the sub-options in rapid start disabled. This is way too much battery usage compared to the claims.

But a great suggestion from Mianfri - I have enabled to enter 'immediately' in the bios option under rapid start. I will let you know what I see with this change in place.



3 Posts

October 20th, 2011 20:00

My XPS 15z  has a problem with wake up from IRST Hibernation. CD Drive starts, Keyboard Lights come on, Power Light is ON, but SCREEN IS BLANK.  Windows 7 Pro was started. Have to hold down Power Button to turn off. On restart get the "Windows Error Recovery ... Start Windows Normally" message

With IRST disabled, Sleep and Hibernation both work.  With IRST enabled, Sleep mode works. Hibernation wake up Fails.

Need IRST Hibernation mode to actually not use battery power.

I have 3 week old XPS 15Z with i7 processor, 8 GB Mem, HD Screen and factory installed 256GB SSD.

Upgraded to A06 BIOS, and latest drivers. including video drivers.

October 21st, 2011 08:00

Same issue on my XPS 15z. Now Dell wants to use me as a Beta tester in order to fix their software!? I don't think so. Come on Dell! Validate your software before you post it!!

76 Posts

October 21st, 2011 09:00

I seem to be a lucky one..

All is working well. My only comment is that it is a bit geeky to have to go in to bios to choose how long before the system will go in to the new hibernate mode.

But the operation is good - for my system (8gb ram, M4256gSSD, i5 cpu) it takes 8 seconds from the moment the button is pressed unitl the screen has returned to its full previous state.

When in sleep mode it seems to be ready before I get the lid fully raised.

In overnight testing, I can detect no battery usage in the new hibernate mode - a big plus. For sleep mode, a rough estimate for my machine is about 1% of battery life per hour. At the moment, I have it set up for a 1hr delay for the rapid storage hibernate mode.



19 Posts

October 21st, 2011 20:00

Thanks for info, works perfectly.

Entered hibernation with 100% battery and 24 hrs. later opened the display and had 99% battery. Awesome!!


3 Posts

October 23rd, 2011 11:00

Hi, Stll having problems with the Blank/Black screen on XPS 15z after wake-up from IRST Hibernation.

It appears it works for some and not for others. Dell is exchanging my system, but will take about 10 days, for this issue and WiFi,  WIDI, Cypress Tackpad issues.

(A04 Trackpad driver broke the persistence  of the "Tap to Click" setting).

I do not have a lot of confidence that different hardware will solve what I believe are driver / software issues.

I wish Dell PC's came with updated software and drivers. Windows 7 had about 25 updates, Office about 25 updates and 5 drivers had to be updated. My system is only 3 weeks old.  Twice my system has been recovered to the factory software and settings by Dell Technicians. It took two hours for the Technician to get the system working again after a Factory Restore. It took me about 15 hours to reload the popular mainstream software each time. I have spent about 9 hours on the phone with Dell Technicians. The technicians tried very hard and were very apologetic, it is no wonder they want a 10 day break before we start over again. 

I consider myself to be computer literate, having worked with computers over the past 40+ years as a Electronics / Software / Computer Tech.

 Again, I wish the system was up to date and tested before being shipped, especially for a "Top of Line" system, as the XPS 15Z.

1 Message

October 30th, 2011 05:00


after upgrading the BIOS of my XPS15z to A06, the iRST option was still disabled. Also setup of the "Intel Rapid Start Technology" software from the DELL website was not possible. I'm using a Crucial m4 256GB SSD. The SSD firmware version was still 0001 at this time.

Then I installed the "Intel Rapid Storage Technology" driver (yes, "storage" - not "start!") from the DELL website. After rebooting and entering the BIOS, the RST option was suddenly enabled and selectable.

Maybe this helps anyone...


76 Posts

December 5th, 2011 18:00

Rapid start has broken for some reason on the 15z. It was running fine until I tried to install the new cypress driver a week or so ago - but that may be a coincidence. In particular with rapidstart enabled in bios, and the 1008 rapidstart driver installed, the system will work fine... Until hibernate mode is engaged! Then the pic will go in to a 'will not shut down' mode. Meaning, it will shut down and then immediately restart. Once the hibernation mode has engaged even once, uninstalling the rapidstart driver will not correct the endless loop. Only a re-flash of the bios A06 will restore proper shutdown. If this scenario is re-tried, the same result occurs.

For those perhaps in a no shutdown mode due to rapidstart, uninstall rapidstart and re-flash the A06 bios. As dell says, DO NOT try to downgrade the bios to fix the problem.

The solution so far is to have rapidstart 'ready', with the SSD and 8gb partition, but NOT intstall the rapidstart driver until either a new bios or driver has been issued.

So what was.. ,is no longer. I have no idea if a microsoft update or some other change has caused some problem with the rapidstart technology. I am starting from clean installs each time to avoid any chance of a legacy problem with a previous install.

76 Posts

December 10th, 2011 07:00

Some further info:

The endless loop of 'no shutdown' occurs with the rapidstart enabled in bios AND if the computer enters sleep mode. This occurs with or without the intel rapidstart drivers.

I strongly suspect it is mainly (or entirely) a BIOS issue, since the only way to exit the endless loop is to re-flash the bios.

Although the F9 key in BIOS defaults rapidstart to 'enabled', it must be disabled or this endless loop will occur again the first time the 15z goes in to sleep mode.

I am also suspecting strongly that the new cypress driver somehow affected the bios, since this problem did not start to occur until immediately after I installed the A05 cypress driver. I have also seen in other posts where touchpad/bios updates are recommended to be done in tandem.

There are a number of hopefull folks on the 15z wireless forums hoping that their problems may be helped by a new BIOS - and A07 is already shipping on newer units.

I am also looking forward to an A07 or newer BIOS that may repair the rapidstart function that I once had.

3 Posts

December 10th, 2011 08:00

I also had the endless loop of 'no shutdown'  on the A06 BIOS *** before *** the A05 Cypress driver being installed.

After many hours of remote trobleshooting this problem by Dell, my motherboard was replaced with a motherboard which had the A05 BIOS on it.  Then the  BIOS was flashed to A06, then IRST hibernation and sleep worked. Not sure what cause the endless loop of no shut down to start with or why changing the whole motherboard fixed it.   I never tried the A05 Cypress driver, the laptop was sent back to Dell before its release.

In my case Dell could not revert the AO4 Cypress driver back to A03 which had issues, but not the persistence to the Tap to Click issue.  The Tap to Click issue drove me nuts. Since this was my 3rd XPS 15z since October plus a motherboard change, Dell is in the process of refunding my money. I also had previous issues with the WIFI and WIDI.  It was a nice laptop, but we (Dell and I) could not get all the features to work.  

76 Posts

December 22nd, 2011 06:00

Bios A08 has been released.

After installation, it does seem that Rapidstart has been restored on the 15z. So far so good!


With my system, it was working with Bios A06, but then one day it decided to go in to the endless 'no shutdown' loop.


As a separate topic, I have discovered like many others that the wireless connection on the 15z is inconsistent compared to other laptops, and the problem is something that is not very visible with routine web page surfing but renders media streaming, game playing, etc nearly uselss on many occasions.

Neither new drivers released yesterday nor the A08 bios did much to help me with wireless performance.


February 23rd, 2012 15:00

I read this this whole thread hoping to find the solution to my issue with Rapid Start... no luck so far.

I got a new Dell 15z yesterday and installed my OCZ Vertex 2 SSD.  I have followed the instructions to create the 8GB partition, and have installed the software successfully.  Rapid Start shows up in the BIOS and I set it to 1 minute after standby (I''ve also tried immediately).  When I press the power button to go into SLEEP mode, the computer sleeps and then after 1 minute the keyboard lights up for about 5 to 10 seconds, then goes out again.  When I press the power button, the computer shows the desktop nearly immediately.  I assume this means I'm still in SLEEP and not Rapid Start.  So two questions....

1.  How do I know with certainty that I'm actually in the Rapid Start mode while asleep?  Should there be ANY lights, should the power button be pulsing?

2.  I don't understand the difference between using Windows 7 Hibernate to disk with my SSD and Rapid Start??? What does Rapid Start do extra?  Also, I currently don't have hibernate mode visible anywhere, I can follow the steps to get it turned back on, but wasn't going to if it's not needed for Rapid Start to function correctly.

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